2020 Doomtown Convention and Badge Schedule

NOTE: This thread has been updated periodically Due to COVID-19. Below is the edited schedule.

Genghis Con - 13th -16th Feb 2020: Agent Badge. Badge winner: Joe James Meredith.

GenCon - Online - August 1: US Marshall Badge (Story Prize). This prize will be awarded in an Online Round-Up occurring during GenCon Online.

Chupacabracon Online - July 17: The Texas Ranger Badge and Story Prize will be awarded via an Online Round-Up starting on this date.

Pax Unplugged - 20th -22nd November: Storyline Event is now a pending Badge Event; we are awaiting to find out if the event is occurring.

Thread will be updated periodically. We currently have the Marshal Badge (Design A Card) and Lawspeaker Badge (2020 Destination Event) to award.

There will be a Name A Card Online Round Up starting June 19. Pine Box Team is evaluating whether or not to add an additional convention to award the remaining Badge.