Blood Moon Rising spoilers compilation

Thanks for confirming this David. The other bonus card in the printed pack is “Thunday Boy” Nabbe - 6 of Spades, 1D 2 Inf 3GR 1 upkeep. Repeat Shootout - add influence to bullet rating and become a stud once per shootout.

Helps round out the Law Dog starting options, looks like a solid card.

Also noticed that the final version of the Sloane Huckster (Dave “Slim” Gorman) is a draw rather the preview version’s stud rating. A small balance tweak for anyone who missed it!

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Sorry for double post: final set spoilers hopefully at the link below. Let me know if it doesn’t work! Sorry for the quality - took these on my mobile phone to send to a friend. To make matters worse the images are at different rotations and are shot in a card wallet, apologies for any glare.

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“Thunder Boy” Nabbe was my suspicion for the other bonus card, and he’s a great boost for Law Dogs. Really helps solidify sixes as a core value for a Deputy deck!


I actually thought it is going to be the most controversial card EVER ( 8 of clubs).

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Can confirm that there is no eight of clubs in the pack. :slight_smile:

Presumably something playtesters etc saw, but from one of the remaining three saddlebags?

Final set looks great fun - lots of interesting cards. “Thunder Boy” and Lucy Clover Exp shows the good grip design had on things - similar dudes at first glance, but differences in timing give each of the two different strengths and vulnerabilities.

no. AEG’S quality control is just shit. he’s supposed to be a stud. i’m incensed.

Ouch, sorry to hear that. Unfortunate printing error. :sob:

Different printing to the previewed version, which was “ANL 10/21” (guessing, hard to make the text out), while my printed copy of Dave Gorman is PR 16-2 (the other promo is PR 16-1).

I knew it was one of the three LD dudes in SB13-15 that weren’t XP.
Here is the winning auction link:

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Wardens got a kung fu wow

Burn 'em Out!

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Yup, that’s me. :slight_smile:


I was hoping the KF dude was pulled and changed as that sub-type for the faction isn’t ever going to expand now

Oh well he’s not a bad card either way

You can always use him in a 108 Fu deck.

Yep so that’s really S 108 card then

Just a shame I think EW could have used the spot better at game end

I understand why it happened, I was just hopeful

I just wanted to say that in my (unbiased :wink: ) opinion this is the best Pine Box.
I especially like the new homes which will shake up the meta.


I agree, the quality of the expansions only increased with time - each one was better than the last. Makes the cancelation that much more painful because Design Team was really nailing it.


Agree on the design team, plus the story team was doing a fine job.

I was looking forward to finding out Jonah Essex’s plans, the truth behind the Full Moon Brotherhood, why Abram Groethe had left on a quest and the resolution of Mario Crane driving the Law Dogs underground. The town had never had a harrowed bandit gang leader causing havoc before!


Rapid errata to Dave “Slim” Gorman. :smiley:

His studliness is restored!


Hey was that a positive response to the RT!!! We do t get those often :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Rules team has done a difficult job well, I don’t envy you your task. Complaints are often at high volume, but you guys have done well compared to many other games companies according to other players I speak to (without even accounting for the fact that most/all of you are volunteers).