First fiction following GenCon Marshall Event

Elmore & Andreas for Law Dogs, Ramiro, Angelica and Makaio for Sloane Gang.

I can imagine Andreas showing off that he’s more than a simple bee-keeper, as well as Ramiro and Angelica showing off some skill. Elmore and Makaio are not gunslingers and I can’t imagine they’re going to have a great send off… hell, they could be practically bystanders in town, after all why would a lawyer from each side get involved in a gun fight?

The dude died a flippin’ hero.

In fact, all of the character deaths were amazing!

I’d like to know what item it was that caused the entire bunkhouse of dudes to be put out of commission. A box that lets of green smoke? Are they sleeping? The effect made me think of the Mark of Pestilence as they were all booted essentially.

This fiction gave us a lot of what we see in-game. No gadgets though, but then again no scientists were involved. Maybe Andreas will pull out an Auto Revolver :slight_smile:


Hostages perhaps?

That, or the Tumblebleeds get one or both of them.

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The feeling I get from the quote on Elmore’s card is that due to his years of experience as a New York lawyer, he feels he’s ready to deal with the wild ways of the west and so might not shy away from a gunfight in order to prove himself. Makaio seems more of a cowardly sort. He might meet his end while attempting something sneaky. I can see a couple of dudes falling victim to the Tumblebleeds, but I don’t think it’ll be the ones that got the Gencon votes.


Reeaally awesome bit of fiction, probably my favorite to date for DTR in fact. Fleshes out a -lot- of Fourth Ring and Morgan dudes, a lot of really awesome action, lot of spell slinging <3 and we’re closer to finding out what Ivor’s scavenger hunt has been about. I can’t say I feel sorry for Slavin, he gave off a kind of sleazy vibe, though I feel bad for Valeria, who I suspect is the one that witnessed Ivor striking him down. Curious what she does, I kind of suspect she’ll turn drifter or even switch to a different faction.

Either way, this was a very lovely pay off, especially for a storyline that’s been very slow and in the background to date, unlike the Dogs/Sloane conflict. Healy won’t remember, but Warren certainly will and we don’t know if jia bothered any other clean up.

Question is though, since it seems like Lula has taken over things, where is Lillian and how are either of them going to react to having the property burgerled?

Now to wait for the big throwdown :slight_smile:


“No Mad Scientists were harmed in the making of this fiction…” ? :open_mouth:


Well sure. Til one of them pulled a club.


Having just opened my copy of Nightmare at Noon and had a proper look at the cards, I do wonder if we already have him