Octgn dtr league

Swider altruistically handing wins to everyone! :stuck_out_tongue:

If my w/l ratio goes too low I will stop using my Des Row shotguns-wishful-thinking-lucky-play-hands deck :slight_smile:


The time restriction is there because when GG was running they tournament some games were extreamly long, I think one of the games lasted 4,5 hours! Also it encourages people to play more often sonce they know that they don’t need at least two hours to make sure they will finish the game. Also I wanted to add a rule that if both players agree on prolonging the game, they can do it, but someone told me, that leaving this optional might lead to arguments and I think it could.

Yeah that was one of my games… against Morgan D&D. Attrition at its finest.

Currently i ask my opponent if they want to use the time limit before the game. No way to argue about it when the limit is reached :wink:
Playing the day out when the limit is reached sounds fine i think.

Alright people, the regular part of the league is over, it is a time for semi finals, I am asking you to arrange the games with your opponent and letting me know about the arrangements since I really want to stream the games (unless you REALLY don’t want your games to be streamed).
Congratulations to top 4 players and thanks everyone for participating. Those are the matches that will be played in the best of three format:
Csonti VS Szendroib
Mplain VS Jayjester


Has this happened already?
Last comment in the league boards is that semi finals are to be played and streamed, but there was nothing really on twitch too as far as i can see.

Wanna watch! :smiley:

First match wasn’t streamed in full ( I recorded first game of the match, but without sound) because I wasn’t at home when the guys played against each other (games 2 and 3), Jayjester won 1-2.

I asked the other guys few times to schedule matches, as far as I know they haven’t done that. I believe it is possible Jayjester won’t be able to play now and because of that he should automatically become a winner of the league, it has been over two weeks since regular part of the league ended and in the rules there was one week to complete matches. Very anti-climatic, but there is nothing I can do about it.

Also time difference between Mplain and Jayjester was a reason they scheduled at last moment, I believe they just met online and played the game when both of them could.

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Sounds like the right thing to do if there is no explanation why it takes so long.

Thanks for organizing the whole thing anyway!
Even if i haven’t had much time during the latter part of the month to take part myself…
So the game you streamed on 7.Nov is part of that semi-final?

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Yep, it is the first game of the series. I regret not being able to stream the other two, the first one was very interesting.

Thanks for all the work Swider, I’m really looking forward to the next league, hope my performance improves by then :sweat_smile:

Hey guys. Sorry about not having the games while swider was unable to stream them. I was concerned about being unable to play mplain later.

Second game ended when mplain pulled a job on Lillian. He wiped out my dudes. But I soul blasted one of his 2 influence ace value dudes. His pose went home booted. I won, even though I was out of dudes, purely from having greater cp’s.

Second game he ran super Mario. He threw some nasty shootout actions on jacqlin and Steven but I still pulled my deadmans hand, acing out Mario. Than hunted down Allie with “it’s who you know”. Mplain conceded since since the heart of his frack was dead and I was getting my spells down.

I’d like to Join the League.


Central USA timezone.

Try this thread: http://community.gomorragazette.com/t/2nd-octgn-dtr-league-starts-8th-february-update-final-version-of-the-rules/865/18