Berkeley, California - Doomtown Round Up

Abomination Series: League (Week Two)

An old card, Manuel “Ol’ Hateful” Sierra-Pinto, who had seen his last fight somewhat the latter half of the eighteen-nineties, indeed a tried and true Classic player, drifted through our neck. Being that high-control-point-high-production, out-of-town/strike, “boot and chase” playstyle is no longer supported by the game, settled into giving the new Morgan Regulators (Morgan Regulators · DoomtownDB) and Lawdog Arsenal (The Arsenal · DoomtownDB) a go.

We played round robin about three matches, all ending within a couple of turns as all decks and players involved played a high aggression early game play strategy. Tom switched between his vicious It’s-A-Me, Mario! shooter (It's-A-Me, Mario! · DoomtownDB) and his conspicuous Amazing Dead Horse! (Amazing Dead Horse! · DoomtownDB), Stefan was trying out The Most Basic Law Dogs Deck (Bounty Hunter List) (The Most Basic Law Dogs Deck (Bounty Hunter List) · DoomtownDB), Manuel alternating between Civic Corral (Civic Corral - Origins 2018 1st Place · DoomtownDB) and Pre-Crime Algorithm (Pre-Crime Algorithm · DoomtownDB), and I was experimenting with Eagle Wardens.

At the end of the night, Tom and Stefan, Ol’ Hateful an’ meself got into a Multiiplayer game, using The Quick and the Dead win condition of the Mind Yer Own Business variety (Hello, please test these multiplayer rules), and commenced to shootin. A couple of turns in, I tried to convince Tom to “be on my side” as Chief Stephen Seven-Eagles (Chief Stephen Seven-Eagles · DoomtownDB) walked into townsquare and booted to put both the other players into check (threatening to eliminate them). All Tom had to do was defend the Chief and we would have downsized to a heads-up match. Tom shot my dude down instead, and the game continued with four.

For the next several rounds, they fought amongst eachother, with me participating with a single dude here or there, until the final turn was upon us, and none the ready for it. I somehow managed to convince the other players that we needed to “take Tom’s studs away” yammering on about his Dead Man’s Hand structure, and to my surprise, Stefan and Ol’ Hateful cooperated to that effect. I then positioned my remaining pieces to put the whole game in check (“Deadwood” style). With nary a shooter amidst his entire gang, Tom, though singularly positioned to make a callout at one or more strategic points upon my dudes, lacked the tools to make an effective gambit. A few chess moves later the game was closed. Being older now and a school night none-the-less, The Berkeley Doomtown Gang declined to head to the nearest local bar…