Put me down for the optimist’s option of two cards pushed forward to this set with four copies each and the box being wrong.
I think the 2 bonus cards could be a home for 108 and the wardens just to make the homes even and not 4 4 4 4 3 3
That would be a nice touch
I don’t have any inside scoop, but in the name of expectations management I don’t think the two extra cards are new homes, as we already know one of them is the Sloane huckster linked above (he has a different set name and numbering at the bottom of his card, “ALS”). Still, we’re getting two extra cards, so trying to be pleased with what we’re getting rather than lamenting the absence of a 4th home for the EW/Righteous 108!
Cheers, stupidly haven’t set up to follow people on youtube so I might have missed this.
Looks very interesting, they’ve found an intriguing way to adjust the normal shootout dynamics.
Second Hex on 3, and marginally easier to cast (difficulty 5 instead of Ace in the Hole’s 6), which can make a big difference for deck construction. My heart is with the Law Dogs, but Sloane Hucksters are my second favourite theme (and have been splendidly designed). This may give me the impetus to test a lower value hex deck. It’s even free!
I like that you need to win the shootout, helps balance things out: do you go for this and lots of other strong 3 value cards (Sun in Yer Eyes, good deeds and dudes) but risk not technically winning the shootout due to a tie and losing due to your low values? Creates the thematic Hex feel of high risk, high reward, as you’re potentially then reducing your opponent’s casualties to zero but still suffering a casualty yourself. Perhaps splash it off value instead or add in some hand rank manipulation (Hex Slinging/Outgunned)? Time and testing will tell!
I can only see it as a one of against “flying zombies” / mario decks.
Hmm, yeah. If this was a react that you could use AFTER shooters are chosen, this might be much more useful (and still risky), but as it is? Agree with swider that it seems like a one of for the Flyin Zombies / Mario.
Then again, it’s potentially a good card against any deck that has one, single big stud shooter - zombie or not. If they have one good shooter, they either have to risk that dude being aced if they lose, or choose a lesser dude to be the shooter and therefore increase their chances of losing.
I dont know - until I see it in action I’m currently not sure about this one.
I like it purely for the mind games. Does your opponent risk it and go with their main stud as lead shooter or choose some other dude and likely miss out on some bullet bonus?
it could be great against bai yang chen in a shotgun deck
Sloane spoiler!
Interesting card, but just as interesting is that it is 19/40 in the set and a Q. So sloane’s other dude in this set is a Q or K. Experienced Jonah Essex or Mario Crane?
This dude is interesting - solid shooter on a high value, but needs an influence boost or another dude’s help to control locations. Or you could park him at a casino you own and control anyway, albeit this may not be his best use!
if the Sloane gang gets a new king it will probably be Mario Crane like did you even read the echoes story https://www.alderac.com/doomtown/2016/09/21/echoes-showstopper-fiction/
Agree completely Nathan! There’s hopefully a Marino crane reference in my post above - I was on an underground train in London when I posted so not sure if dodgy internet connection truncated my post - whole thing is showing up for me but may not for others.
if u read the back of BMR im like oh cool Sloanes gonna get a new king and i waas thinkin Jonah Essex but then echoes came out
Should note that the new Sloane dude has fine art (much of the final set look great!) and that the accompanying article is good, noting that you can park him at your own casino to effectively cover his upkeep. As Jimi notes in his article, this dude can even be played out of faction if you need a reasonably priced Q stud, as he has 0 influence.
Either Mario becoming Sloane was hinted at a while ago, or I just assumed it’d happen as a result of his manitou messing with his head in the way it has throughout the Ballad of Mario Crane series. The Echoes story has pretty much confirmed it for me.
I’ve always wanted to be able to play to weapons on a dude without it being on Jack O’Hara
I believe that the other bonus card is also a well-deserved tribute card (I have the PDFs, but I don’t know which one it is exactly).