First Legend Preview (Stone) and Epitaph Kickstarter confirmed for July

Ok, someone help me understand here: how is there any room for abuse with tokens with this card? At best, your token shooter dude gets +2 bullets for the shootout… and that’s it. How is that potentially abusive? The token dudes permanent +1 bullets and +1 control point go away either at the end of the shootout (bounty hunter) or the end of the turn (any other token that sticks around longer than a shootout).

Is a ‘risk-free’ +2 bullets, once per turn, for a token dude (or dudes) that abusive, considering the permanent downside that comes with Stone? That strategy would ignore the (I think is) most powerful and attractive part of Stone, with the permanent bullet and control point. Also consider that every token I can think of comes with a cost, either in GR or in having to use spell on a shaman (which also often costs GR).

@Pr0digy, I think you and @jayjester are in agreement on the lack of ability to abuse token dudes with this legend (as it is written). Please see my emphasis below. :slight_smile:

If you’re referring to how it would look without the token restriction - People had significant success in playtesting with Bounty Hunters/Judge Harry Experienced and various other tokens builds before the fun police wisely stamped out our abusive ways.


I was definitely curious how it would look without the token restriction, and I’m surprised that it was able to be abused in playtesting enough that it warranted a change to disallow that.

Is it against the rules of playtesting for someone who had experience with that to go into more detail about how it was abusive?

(oh, and I can see how my first post was not very specific - I should have asked 'how can this card be abused with tokens, if the token restriction was removed from the card)

I’m sorry and I’m going to be a little cautious here by not going in to the fine details, as I don’t know if we want to be having a fine detail explanation for every card! There are many crafty playtesters and the decks are shared, so something strong can be replicated in a variety of environments and tested thoroughly. If a higher ranking authority (read: anyone else involved) comes in and gives more information, great! :slight_smile:

Even with the current wording (which I feel comfortable talking about as it is the final version and I’ve done lots of testing with it) it is still pretty useful with tokens:

  • tokens can catch bullets if they’re not the lead shooter.
  • tokens can benefit from the +2 bullets if they’re accompanied by other dudes (often a disposable draw scrub) letting me create a serious threat to generate a good shootout hand (cheatin’ or legal) with limited risk and potentially point blank too. Obviously I miss out on the permanent CP and +1 bullets, but this was sometimes worth doing in testing and it was nice to have the flexibility.

Hope this answer isn’t too disappointing.


Thanks Harlath, I appreciate the response!


I refuse to be called the fun police :stuck_out_tongue:


Weep at rules team puns.:cry:

This is why the Playtest section of the Pinebox website is illustrated with a weeping Henry Moran - see what we have to put up with?


4 Stud gunsligers are much more threatening than 2 Stud, with no real risk of impactful cheatin’ punishment against the solo token. I don’t know but it seems pretty good to me.


Seems pretty good to me too, but does it really go in to the realm of abusive? I wouldn’t think so, but I’d trust the playtesters over my gut :slight_smile:

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