Jake Smiley is a crutch

You want every faction to have easy starting lineups? Come on folks different factions have different strengths and dudes are thus designed around that.

For example morgan tends towards cheaper influence, but their shooters are expensive

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That’s why cheap shooters like Jaqueline Isham, and cheap influence like Jake Smiley are not good, they standarize the factions and only make them different in their outfit ability.

Disagree they give the factions a dude they can use that is limited in some way.

Jacqueline no influence defensive
Jake can’t control deeds in noon phase and is shotgun fodder


Hm yes this might also be true, but I feel like it would take away some of the deck building options if there was a somewhat fixed preset of dudes that I have to start with, or at least that were designed that way. Releasing one card such as Jake Smiley, helping out a wide range of decks that would otherwise require more support in form of viable dudes to start with, allows players to experiment with their starting posse. Given that Jake Smiley is in a lot of starting posses, I prefer it this way at the moment than to see the same starting posses over and over depending on the deck.

I am not saying that there should not be more dudes designed to start with, but I feel like releasing Jake Smiley this early in the games life cycle helped with the variety and I hope Jake Smiley becomes kind of obsolete in a couple of saddlebags/months, but until than I am happy I have him as an option.


I agree. I don’t use Jake that often btw.

Agree very much. In my book the worst thing to come out yet was the Mystical gadgets/Valeria combo. That almost felt like they forced my hand in deck building. Less now with all the opportunities.