League Play: A Non-Competitive Play Group Option?

“Golden Toilet” - Natural Straight Flush

Another fun concept I’d love to do on a game night or over a month:
“Tour of Gomorra” - you build 4 decks - one from each faction (your choice of outfits) - and play 'em all.
variant - NO repeated cards across decks - so one deck gets the Sun in Yer Eyes, the rest don’t.

or 4 decks of different outfits, but each must be constructed differently from each other using this list:

Base set only (or base set + Faith n Fear only) (using up to 2 base sets - for a full play set)
Expansions only (with or without Faith n Fear)
Derringer - only 1 of each unique card, but up to 4 of a suit/value (e.g. only 1 of each of SIYE, Stakes Just Rose, Auction, It’s Who you know for 4x of 3of Clubs)

Double Barrel - up to 2x of a card.


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Here is a slightly more organized version of what I have going so far:

Playing points:
You must finish the game to a legal conclusion (have more control points than your opponents influence points, scoops earn you no points) for the points to be gained, and you can earn these points repeatedly.
Each game earns you 1 point per opponent in it (so a 2 player game is worth 1 point, 3 players is 2, etc).
Winning a game gets you 1 point

Achievement Points:
Scratch off each achievement you gain as you do them. You can only get achievement points once per league. Some achievements are story based or faction specific.

“What a stud!” - Having a shoot out occur where your stud rating is 10 or higher: 1 point.

“The quick…” - Winning a game on the first sundown: 1 point

“… And the dead.” - Winning a shootout with one dude in your posse who has a 0 bullet rating: 1 point

“Bill would be proud.” - Having an natural (no jokers or card value/suit modification) dead mans hand in any draw hand: 2 points
“The finer things.” - Having a dude with an apparel, weapon, and horse at the same time: 1 point
“This ain’t lowball, son.” - Winning a shootout while revealing a rank 3 hand or lower: 1 point
“Block party!” - Your entire starting posse is in town square at the same time: 1 point

“Negative growth” - Starting the first noon phase with negative income (upkeep higher than home GR generation): 1 point

“Investing in our future.” - Starting the first noon phase with your homes full income available: 1 point
“So you want to slap leather?” - Teaching someone new how to play the game: 2 points
“Iron Man” - Playing in a 4+ player game to completion: 1 point
“QA has been doing their job.” - Not failing on a single spell or gadget pull in one game: 1 point

“I have strings on you” - Puppet dude with printed grit 13 or more: 1 point

“He is in better world now” - Fail teleportation of puppeted dude: 1 point

“I hope he is prepared enough” - Have 5 or more gadgets on a single dude: 1 point

“Ghost Town” - Finish game without a single dude on either side: 1 point

“We can rebuild him…” - Play a Dude on the same turn as a previous copy was aced or discarded: 1 point

“I think he shot himself!” - Get in a shootout where the same Dude is on both sides, and both copies get discarded or aced: 1 point

“No no, I’m sure it’ll work this time…” - Make at least three pulls with Elander Boldman’s ability: 2 points

“Everyone likes a bad boy”- Get Fred Aims up to 10 or more influence: 2 points

“Philip Finds Trouble…and Lives!” - Get Philip Swinford (either version) into a shootout on his own, and live through at least one round: 2 points

“Smiling Tom’s Day Off” - Have Tom visit at least 4 in town deeds in one game: 2 points

“Never mind that spit, HERE COMES STEVEN!” - Play Steven Wiles, have him call out a dude, have Steven be the only member of your posse, win, and then choose to not pay his upkeep next round: 2 points

“Jailhouse is a rockin’.” - Use your Gomorra Jail react ability 3+ times in one game: 2 points

“We’ll work up a Number 6 on 'em.” - Succeed at 3+ jobs that mark town square or a dude in town square: 2 points

“My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.” - Succeed at a difficulty pull higher than 10: 1 point

“Ditto.” - Do it again in the same game: 2 points

“How do you think I got elected?” - Nick Whately leads a “Meet the new boss.” Job, and succedes: 2 points

“An Honest Man” - Participate in at least 5 shootout rounds (same shootout or multiple ones) and always reveal a legal hand: 2 points

“Just like riding a…” - Win a game with a bicycle deck: 5 points

“Hey, doesn’t that clown look like Bob?” - Play a Pagglaccio immediately after your successful Kidnapping job: 2 points

“Mad Max” - Have Max Baine equip a weapon, a horse, and call out an opponent’s dude…and win the shootout, with Max surviving: 1 point (+1 if max is alone in posse)

“I shot the Sheriff…” - Discard or Ace Dave Montreal in a shootout: 1 point

“… I did not shoot the deputy” - Either remove a deputy from a shootout where Dave Montreal is involved, or have a deputy retreat after wounds are resolved: 2 points

“Election Day” - Play Election Day Slaughter when the opponent has a Hustings. Both Roderick Byre and Wilbur Crowley must be aced as casualties during the shootout.

“Confession” - Parry Inbody casts Confession on Lawrence Blackwood at the Gomorra Parish. Lawrence Blackwood must then be wanted and discarded during this or a following Noon Phase to trigger the Gomorra Jail ability.

Those have to be worth like 20 points each! They’d be like the Holy Grail of story achievements!

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Retooled the wording:

“Election Day” - Play Election Day Slaughter when there is a Hustings in play and 3+ dudes must be aced either during the shootout or as part of a resolution of this job: 2 Points (+1 if Roderick Byre or Wilbur Crowley are aced, +3 if both)

“Confession” – Cast confession on a wanted dude, then that dude must be discarded to trigger the react for the Gomorra Jail in the same Noon Phase: 2 Points (+1 if Innbody Casts confession, +1 if Blackwood is the target)


“Riders of the Storm” - Wendy, Max, Dave, & Nicodemus are in play at the same time: 1 point
“Ole’ Yeller” - More than 2 sidekicks are discarded for wounds in a shootout: 1 point


I have the beginning of the the league sheets put together. And will post the complete achievement list again soon.


I’m going to post some choice quotes, can anyone come up with some achievements for them?

“The appearance of law must be upheld, especially while it’s being broken.”
“This was a battle between warriors, not a bunch of miss nancies, so warriors is what I brought.”
“I think maybe we should hang someone.”

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Have at least two bounty (each) on at least 3 Deputies. Bonus if all the Deputies get their two bounty from a Kidnapping or an Ambush.

Have a shootout with at least two Dudes per side, and each dude has at least two bullets (natural). Bonus points if all are studs (natural)

Have a group of at least 3 Dudes pull the Ol’ Fashioned Hangin’ Job, where only the mark is in the posse.
“Last Minute Save” Have a dude come into the posse on the Mark’s side, and successfully defeat the job. The points go to the mark, and are increased.