Based on David O’s response in this thread: Multi-player (Q2) - Definition of "your shooter" when collaborating - #6 by davido4015
I think the answer might be that Pine Box is not aware of, or at least does not acknowledge as “official”, the major rulebook revisions that AEG made, which included the overhaul and clarification on the timing of React windows. Frankly, this bothers me because PBE was careful to give the impression that they are picking up where AEG left off. But if they are ignoring AEG’s rulebook, how can that be true?
Pr0digy is absolutely correct, reading AEG’s updated React timing rules makes Henry’s effect very clear.
This errata honestly concerns me a little - it gives the impression that PBE treats errata like its no big deal and that they will add/subtract/change a word here and there willy-nilly, because it might give clarity for people who don’t understand the rules of the game. It also gives the impression that PBE would rather errata cards than attempt to update their rulebook in a way that clarifies a card’s use.
And Pr0digy makes a good point about using the word “would” - will more cards be getting errata to add that word? Does Arnold McCadish need errata now?
React, Pull, Boot: When a dude would be discarded (not aced) as a casualty in a shootout, if the pull is higher than the dude’s value, send that dude home booted instead.
or Warren Graves?
React: When a shootout play would ace, would discard, or would send another of your dudes home booted, send them home booted instead. Warren joins the posse (moving if necessary).