Protocol of discussing a ruling

Well we have rules forum here, and we can use it for rules question, when official help is needed one can go to AEG forums and ask.

The problem with having a rules forum where non-rules team people can add answers is that a wrong answer could turn up and stay there uncorrected for some time. Or two different interpretations lead to a lengthy back and forth discussion in which the original poster may not be able to easily see the actual correct answer once it’s posted. I find it much more convenient to have two posts – the question, then the answer – than some free-wheeling discussion I have to parse through to find what I’m looking for.


I agree - having one question one answer is great for referencing purposes. The official ruling is clearly stated and is quickly accessed.

It’s also easy to see glancing at the number of replies if it has been answered. If there’s more than one reply then that’s an indication of a more elaborate explanation. I don’t have a problem with the way it is currently and find that it works efficiently.

Sometimes it’s nice to have a place where we can go to avoid having a discussion just to get an answer.

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Both of those obstacles are easily remedied though:

1.) Bad answers very rarely stay uncorrected if you have an entire community policing it. Its similarly possible for a Rules Team member to make an incorrect answer and if no one challenges them on it, it stays in effect.

2.) The “final answer” would typically be at the very end of a thread when its locked. Alternatively the Rules Team, who likely have lots of moderation powers, could move the correct answer to be the 2nd post in the thread or some such. That’s just a matter of bookkeeping.

The difference though was that TOL was a fan run site that many, many AEG members frequented and was the official ‘unofficial’ site, whereas the AEG forums are run by the company directly.

I’m not fond of the rules forum set up either, but that’s just kind of how AEG rolls, they’ve developed their own little bro culture that does things their way and anyone else doesn’t get much input.

Also, Darguth, thought I recognized the name. This is Elex. :slight_smile:

I believe I understand a bit better now. I was so struck by the similarities of the two cards, I wanted to see how far the general store ruling went. I do now realize that the rulebook is clear on what must happen, and what can’t happen, and then separately what can be altered by cards. In that, attaching restrictions can be altered, but board layout for playing deeds can not, and that is in the rule book.