This is why we don’t need a mayor, we don’t want any kind of throne for factions to fight over every arc.
They might be saving the world in the sense of “evil ruins the world, we fight evil, therefore, we save the world.”
They might also be saving the world in the sense that they are preventing a more specific apocalypse. But if this is the case, it’s going to be one of those “so successful nobody ever hears of it” deals.
yeah, I’m pretty a-ok with either kind :3 Though, I just don’t want DTR to have to feature that many ‘specific apocalypses’. You can’t keep escalating threats before they either A) get ridiculous and out of hand (See: L5R) or B) have to reset everything so you can slowly scale threats up again (See: Classic → DTR)
Don’t forget, We know that gomorra is a government quarantine zone by Deadlands:Noir. Fenced off from general access. So, something DOES happen to Gomorra.
Well if you want to go by the RPG material we have, we don’t even have to look at Noir. The Flood campaign book describes Gomorra as a complete ghost town with empty, burnt out buildings and every inhabitant having died, and DTR is only listed as a year behind the Flood.
Man, that’s going to be a hellacious year.
Kind of makes me wonder if we won’t be leaving Gomorra behind eventually and setting up shop in a new town. or if they decide break with the books and let the story develop independently. Be a shame to have all these wonderful characters develop just to toss it away with an ‘everybody died and it became a ghost town’ ending. I mean, if they’re intending to keep the game going anyhow.
The Flood was written in 2008, so it predates Doomtown Reloaded by quite a while. I think they just left it there as a reference to the original game, which was OOP by then, and weren’t expecting Doomtown to return, so shouldn’t really be considered when looking at the future of Doomtown Reloaded. Reading the adventure from that book that deals with the Whateleys and Gomorra, it definitely sounds like it’s following on from the events of Doomtown Classic.
From browsing through the Pinnacle forums, apparently as AEG own the rights to all the Doomtown characters, Pinnacle couldn’t use them in Deadlands Reloaded so that’s why there wasn’t really much on Gomorra in The Flood.
IMO, the adventure books and rpg modules don’t really have a lot to do with the card game.
In Doomtown Or Bust, they basically say that the things that happen in this aren’t plot relevant, and has a story that is being told without player action.
It might burn out, but I don’t really see them doing so.
I just read everything up on Doomtown Archives, and a particular work by Tim Meyer helped a piece of the Sloane puzzle fall into place for me.
I don’t feel like spoiling anything, but that voice inside Sloane’s head? I’m pretty certain that the spirit of a particular player in Gomorra’s past is draping itself across her shoulders, like her predecessor, as a mantle of ‘vengeance’.
Key word is vengeance.
I for one am more excited for this story. Since allot of element are going on with protagonist and antagonist. I can’t wait to see who the man or woman behind all of these bad things is. Even though I think I know I want to be surprised and the story team does surprise me. In a good way.
The flavour text on Legendary Holster points towards the voices in Sloane’s head. I believe the holster will turn out to have belonged to a Classic Doomtown character, for example Wrath, who is controlling Sloane.
I think Essex will jump ship to 4th Ring at some point as he definitely orchestrated the tumblebleed attack without telling Sloane to distract everyone from what the clowns were doing at the Morgan ranch.
Wasn’t the tumblebleed attack/Sloane/Law Dog gunfight at noon (hence nightmare at noon), while the circus’ raid on the Morgan Ranch at some point during the night? (I’m not sure if it happened before or after the Nightmare at Noon though…)
I’m assuming that, while they occur at different times of day, the distraction caused by the tumblebleeds is more of a get lots of people killed / injured sort of thing so they are unable to interfere with the clowns. Morgan would likely report an attack on the ranch to the Law Dogs,who would have to ignore it in favour of dealing with the bigger threat.
Or maybe Essex just wants people to die (maybe he’s harvesting souls in a Soul Cage?)
Hmmm… Going by the Cookin’ Up Trouble story, the point of the tumblebleeds was to kill people. With that and his influence within the Sloane Gang, Jonah seems to be trying to stir up fear in preparation for something.
I’m surprised we haven’t seen more fallout from the Morgan Ranch attack. The fiction pieces switched focus to introducing the new factions post-gencon, and it hasn’t been mentioned anywhere I can recall.
Yeah. Weird that there’s been nothing on it. Maybe’s its a side effect of real world time verses game time. it’s been several months for us but a much shorter time in Gomorra - perhaps there will be some fallout in the Foul Play fictions.
I don’t think there will be a lot of ‘public’ reaction to the raid. It really hurts Morgan’s rep if word gets out they were raided by clowns. I imagine Healey is keeping it on the downlow while they investigate some (if the investigators don’t just end up as victims). But Morgan seems like the kind of outfit that’s going to bide its time and strike when its most going to hurt and they have the cover to get away with it instead of going in guns blazing like say Sloane would.
It’s probably only Lillian who realizes the sabre belongs to Stoker anyway, and that’s not a definite. Plus, while we know it was the clowns, it was dark with extra spells being thrown around - do the other Morgans know for definite the clowns did it?
I’d like Lil’s connection to the Black Circle to come up in relation to this - think that Deadlands book established she was with the Wichita Witches.
According to Ulysses Marks, I thought it was Max Baine who recognized the saber. I mean he was there when Stoker rode the hell rollercoaster with Knicknevin.
Lillian would understand the magical significance of the saber, definitely, if Max were mention it, or maybe she can sense it.
I’m tired, so I may not know what I’m talking about.