We Are the Law: State of the Law Dogs

Mplain uses Miracles/Blessed/ Deputies deck and it is a really strong one. He doesn’t use Holy Roller or Abram. I think we streamed games when he was using it, if you are interested I can quickly check in which video he does and post it here.
Edit : he uses above mentioned deck in this video, I had annoying OCTGN is frozen window popping up all the time and it took me a while to figure out how to get rid of it quickly.


Jaqui is pretty good with a Winchester 1873.

Her trait is great defense, but a Winchester not only provides a bullet boost, but also makes her an offensive stud with a bullet boost. 4 stud for 3 GR and no upkeep? Yes, please. And yeah, a New Hat is nice.

This, in my opinion, is the current way to go with Blesseds at the moment. There are useful supporting Miracles out there. Splashing in LoH or Confession is useful. I have 2 LD decks currently that start 1 blessed, run 1-2 back-ups in the deck, and then only include 3-6 Miracles.

However, in terms of making a Miracle-heavy shooting deck there are a number of good shootout miracles…but the supporting cast of Blesseds just isn’t there yet to utilize them well enough for it to rise above more than just a “for funsies” deck. If that’s what you want though, I’d agree with db0 that while not top tier it certainly isn’t a terrible decktype to build.

Overall, I’m fairly happy with LDs after NTB brought us Ol’ Fashioned Hangin’ and Somerset XP. Blesseds are still naturally evolving since they’ve only been on the scene a short time. Gadgets on the other hand are in a very weird spot and I don’t see any clear direction for them. They’re not good, they’re not bad, they’re just kind “there”.

Here’s my miracle deck, in case anyone is interested.

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Looks like a solid base, definitely. It’s a bit of a shame the 9’s value slot has such poor deeds.

Somewhat surprised you’re not packing any Magical Distractions…I’ve never been a huge fan of Cheatin’ Varmint.

Magical Distraction is somewhat risky when you run Lay on Hands and Faster on the Draw, possibly something else of low value too.

Eh, the risk isn’t that high. The 6’s are even mitigated by Shield of Faith (assuming you have a Full House). Though I would grant that Cheatin Varmint is about as effective given that he’s not running face values. A 9/10 on the pull is roughly as effective against a Rank 7 Full House as Cheatin’ Varmint is, in most respects.

So I guess I retract my statement :slight_smile: Once we have some new/better face-value Miracles it might be a more attractive option.

My current attempt at an Abram deck looks similar to that. I might try dropping down to ‘3-ofs’ on the Hearts to get a couple of Lay on Hands in there.

I moved 3 posts to a new topic: Jake Smiley is a crutch