Combining We Got a Beef with Rope and Ride

We Got A Beef!
Action • Cost 1
React: After an unbooted dude accepts a callout, but before posses are formed, swap the location of either the mark or leader with a dude at an adjacent location controlled by the same player. The chosen dude replaces the original mark or leader in the shootout.


Rope and Ride
Action • Cost 0
React: After a dude accepts your callout, but before posses are formed, boot your leader or their attached Horse to move your dude then the mark to an adjacent location that is not your home. Boot the mark.

Can I call out an opposing dude (say in town square), and then, after they accept, switch them out with We Got A Beef, then, still reacting to the dude accepting the callout, play Rope and Ride to boot the opposing dude and drag him to a deed adjacent to (in this example) town square? (then continue forming posses as normal)

Reacts follow the usual back and forth until both payers pass, so yes.

You’d also be able to call a dude out, then drag them to an adjacent location, and then swap them with a dude adjacent to the new location, thus firing one dude across town and murdering someone else entirely.

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Not certain about that second part, since you return to your trigger text, and the Rope and Ride has booted the mark.

The mark was unbooted when he accepted the callout.

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