Cooke's Nightcap, Ike's Place, and Extra CP

Cooke’s Nightcap
0 CP, 2 GR, +3 Production
Private * Saloon

This deed has 2 control points while controlled by a player other than its owner.

If I’ve used Office of Ancestral Affairs to add 2 CP to Cooke’s Nightcap, how many CP does it have when an opponent comes to take control of it?

If I use Ike’s Place on Cooke’s Nightcap, I believe it will always be worth 0 when I control it. Is this correct? How many CP will it be worth when my opponent then goes to take control of it?

Finally, does using Ike’s Place on a deed allow you to keep adding CP to the deed over the 2 CP limit of effects like OoAA or “Handsome” Dan Deeds?

Cooke’s Nightcap sets it’s control point total to 2 when controlled by another player, so it will ignore any extra control points added.

Office of Ancestral Affairs doesn’t refer to printed control points, so you could use Ike’s Place, and then do the job on the zero control point deed.

In the case of using Ike’s Place on your own Cooke’s Nightcap, if your opponent takes Cooke’s Nightcap, it is worth 2 control points.

In the case of opponent takes Cooke’s Nightcap, uses Ike’s Place on your Cooke’s Nightcap, then it is zero control points and that would last until sundown.

Usually it’s card numbers/trait-> modified by → attached card trait-> modified by → external effect for that effect’s duration.

As an example, a draw dude → pearl handled revolver → sun in yer eyes = draw.

Rules Team will continue to evaluate traits and abilities moving forward.

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