Doomtown: Round Up Badges for 2019

I’m pleased to announce we’ve received badges for those Marshals and Marshalls owed them in the Pine Box/Pinnacle era of Doomtown! These individuals will be badged by the next major round up / Worlds Destination Event in Tombstone :cowboy_hat_face:

For 2019, the following badges will be awarded:

  1. Agency: Genghiscon in Twilight Protocol Series Part I, February

  2. Texas Ranger: Chupacabrocon in Twilight Protocol Series Part II, May.

  3. Marshall, 2019 European Championship, Edinburgh Scotland (Date TBD)

  4. Marshal of Tombstone, Twilight Protocol Series Part III, Oct

We congratulate the past Marshals from Pine Box events:

  1. Robert Campbell, Marshall, 2017 (European Championship)
  2. Richard Carter, Marshal, 2017 (World Championship, GenCon)
  3. Max Way, Marshal of Gomorra, 2018 (World Championship, Europe)
  4. Joe James Meredith, Marshal, 2018 (North American Championship, GenCon)

As previously noted, future events will not have the championship distinction, as we move toward a new direction of creative ‘round ups’ in destination events around the world. We look forward to continuing this endeavor in 2020 in Copenhagen :cowboy_hat_face:


I do hope that the Euros happen around a date I can make! I love the fixture though I’m already having to keep a close eye on my schedule next year :slight_smile:

I didn’t spot this on the Facebook groups. Any chance we can have an announcement on DTUK? If it’s already happened and I haven’t seen it then apologies!

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I believe it was briefly mentioned over the summer but we’ll make sure the Doomtown UK FB group is also updated with the date!


Thanks for the classy move in back-dating some badges. :thumbsup:

Look forward to seeing various badges claimed at 2019’s events too. :slight_smile: