DTDB improvements

Haha! really?

Really?? When you clicked “spades”, it should have removed the spades from the list… I didn’t change the behavior of the buttons, I just untoggled one button (the last one).

You are saying that it should be either everything or only 1 suit, right?

btw, I didn’t say it in my previous post but I didn’t change much that part because it seems people use it differently, and I cannot think about the way that would fit the most (except having a default value defined by user, which will happen, eventually)

I am sorry for the confusion. I was using another computer, and there the default “Faction/type cumulative” option was selected. Now that I got home I am using my usual browser and it has “Faction/type exclusive” option selected, so when I click a suit button, only that suit is shown. Your update and my use of another computer coincided, and I made incorrect conclusions, my apologies =_=

@platypus This might be a minor thing, but on the My Decks page it is kind of annoying that when I click on a deck and it expands that the action buttons (View, Edit, etc.) all appear at the bottom.

A lot of times this leads to it requiring 3 actions to get what I want. I need to click on the deck I want, scroll down a bit, and then click on the action I want for that deck.

My suggestion is two-fold:
1.) Include the action buttons on the main page itself without having to expand the deck first. You could potentially replace the tags section with the action buttons instead. I can’t speak for others, but I rarely care about seeing tags on a deck before selecting it anyway whereas I almost always want to perform some action on a deck.

2.) If that’s too difficult or not desired, I’d suggest at least moving the action buttons above the decklist section once you’ve expanded a deck. This would cut out the need to scroll down to them in most cases.

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How about not changing the layout, but instead making it auto-scroll to the bottom of the deck, where the buttons are? I think it would be easier to implement, address your problem, and not bother other users that are used to buttons being at the bottom.

That could somewhat address the throughput issue, but working in software dev I can tell you that autoscrolling can be difficult to make work well :slight_smile:

These are really good suggestions.

Is it possible to delete older versions of published decks? I created my first deck and published it because I wanted feedback. I have changed it multiple times and even copied it to a new deck, but the original published version is still out there and I don’t see a delete button.

No way to delete if someone has interacted with it AFAIK. Just leave it in the past and don’t worry about it.

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Un-publishing decks was on my todo list. But I didn’t think about what Db0 said… It might not be the best idea to delete decks as there are comments on them…

I’d probably go with option 2

Well, you can always delete your post on a forum or on facebook, even if someone commented on it. This is certain functionality that people are used to. Why would it be any different with published decks?

I think it’s more about when you publish a deck, then realize you made some errors, but someone already commented on it. You now have to either mention your errer in the description, or spam the board.

You could just make a time limit, say, within three days of publishing you can delete your decks, even if they have comments. If it’s more than three days, yeah, leave it in the past, just post the new version.

OP art now on dtdb!


Thank you to @platypus!

Along with the OP cards, I did some small changes (mainly display corrections).
The real new “features” are the checking of other gang’s starters (you could have some if changing your outfit while having already selected your starters) and the possibility to download other users decks shared by the “view” link

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Hmm… promo Carter’s Bounties shows a wanted poster for some Utter fella… might be Prescott’s relative?

For those of you that can’t wait to building using the futur cards :slight_smile: :


@PlatyPus, I love the new feature to filter by value when building a deck. Could I recommend that you implement a “Select All” and “Deselect All” kind of controls for those values? This would be great when I am building and I know I want to build on say 3 values. I can deselect all and then select all the values I want (4 clicks), rather than having to deselecting all of the ones I don’t want (10 clicks)

This would also be helpful on the faction filter control now that we have 7 selections available. Much of the time you only want to see the dudes from your faction and drifters (with rare exceptions). It’d be a 3-click process to do that, rather than the 5-click process it currently is.

Thanks again, I love your site!

You can shift click a button and it should select only this one.

Additionally an option in the “option” menu is called " … Exclusive/cumulative " (or something like that), try changing its value and see if the behavior fits you


Ah that Exclusive option is very handy :wink:
