Fiddle Game and Not Cheating (or, cheating and getting away with it)

So, I’m running a deck that heavily uses fiddle game( Deckbuilder · DoomtownDB if you’re interested) and I was pondering about how to deal with my accidental cheating in lowball. Thus far I have come up with:

  1. Bicycle deck! Or a very loose deck.
  2. Heretic Jokers
  3. Henry Moran
  4. The Extra Bet
  5. J. W. Byrne, P.I. + grifter (who can be an Ol’ Howard used to bring the deed into play)
  6. Quickdraw Handgun (if you’ve won the previous lowball, and providing your opponent cheated - if they have, you won’t swap hands, but you’ll be protected against cheatin’ resolutions)
    EDIT: 7. 108 worldly desires, if you have less money/equal money and companhurst’s. But that’s not tournament legal, just putting it here for completeness.

Is there anything else? I know you can’t play resolutions in lowball (so the likes of Theo Whateley-Boyer, The Ghostly Gun etc. won’t work here) and some cards specifically mention shootouts (so no Ace in the Hole either) Any thoughts?


Great idea for a topic.

Henry Moran should work, shouldn’t he? You choose the order your own traits fire in, so he can kick in before Fiddle Game responds to a cheatin’ hand.

Stephen Holder built a Putting together the Pieces/Gambler’s Gun deck that made excellent use of Henry Moran at GenCon 2017. Took him to the top of Swiss.

Edit: rats, clicked the link and see you have Henry already…

It’s not revealing a cheating hand that discards Fiddle Game, it’s your opponent playing a cheating resolution on you. (Same with Gambler’s gun- I almost got away with cheating in Worlds, but my opponent was on my Gomorra Gaming Commision) Either way, with the current wording of Henry Moran you never actually reveal a cheating hand, unless your second hand is also cheating.

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Had a trawl through the DB, and I think you original post is pretty comprehensive! Hopefully someone will let us know if we’ve missed something between the two of us. :frowning:

You could try the aggressive route of using Sight Beyond Sight, Burn ‘Em Out! and possibly This’ll Hurt in the Mornin’ to ace opponents’ Cheatin’ Resolutions? Can’t play 'em if they don’t have 'em.


Cookin’ up Trouble

Edit: Wait this doesn’t work…


You can use the cheating res on coming up rose’s to almost guarantee a legal and winning lowball hand. Devil six gun (with or without heretic jokers) is an almost guaranteed legal hand. The problem is of course that you need to win low ball to get in before your opponent but if you are running a loose structure that’s not impossible

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Inner Struggle

Pair of six-shooters! Also, I completely missed that Coming up Roses works in lowball.


Coming Up Roses will only save you from cheating in lowball if your opponent is cheating and you get to play first for Cheating Resolution, but yeah, pretty cool when it happens.

Quite a few Cheating Resolutions gums are usable during lowball including Quick Draw Handgun. While you don’t always want to swap hands with your opponent, it can keep someone from playing a CR against you.