If you could see one character from classic return

So the question is pretty simple you could see one character from classic return in the story who would it be? I always wanted Blackjack to come back ( and he kinda did with Jackson’s strike) it very nearly happened to as Sheriff no less.


Before the game launched there was a Facebook thread on who was going to be Sheriff and I suggested Blackjack - so I’d still love to see him back

Unfortunately all the other dudes I really want back were officially killed off

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Harrowed exist :smiling_imp:


Good topic idea! I like Nash Bilton or John Templeton (not as people! they’re wrong 'uns) as the they give the Law Dogs a darker side that the faction otherwise lacks and are genre appropriate. I think Templeton died in the very last set, but Bilton is still with us!

Or maybe William Rose to fulfill a friend’s story prize from over a decade ago! :wink:

I’d also like a cool drifter like Montana Holland or some such to have their story explored.


It would be great if there was a list of who was and was not dead lol not that death stops anyone

The ENTIRE Collegium are officially dead :sob:

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William Rose.



Even Meredith Singleton?

Somewhere there is an entire dead list, I can only find the incomplete one, my googlefu sucks

Oh man, I’d like to find that dead list - I can’t remember who’s alive and who isn’t. Perhaps ironically, some of my favourite characters were Harrowed dudes. I love The Ghost and J.P. Coleman. I also really love the story of Corky - I’d like to see her return.

Desperately, tragically, searching for Nate Hunter? :cry:


Easy, add zombie Nate.

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Very sad indeed. :cry: But yeah, that would make for a cool harrowed or even some sort of condition. Ghost of Corky.


This appears to be the list of who’s dead at least after Stoker v Knicknevin. It also has a solid list of what happened to all the Deeds in town.


I like the evocative descriptions of their fates. We’ve got something similar kicking around for Reloaded’s characters, will see if I/someone else can dig it out.


Related, for new players, or for folks who are just interested, they seem to have collected all the official fiction

I’d love to see 'ol Charlie return, even if just in flavour text. Near the top of the things I love(d) about the classic game was that so much of the flavour & story were told to you by CL.


Flavour text here is the closest reloaded has come to a CL reapparance so far: Charlie's Place · DoomtownDB

I wouldn’t mind a new “viewpoint” character to be a common source of Flavour Text: perhaps an intrepid reporter from the Tombstone Epitaph? To avoid being another bartender but like CL they would have a reason to know everybody.

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So why does everybody say Nate Hunter is dead? To my knowledge he’s alive and left town

We wish he was dead because he was a massive nerd.

He’s no J.P. Coleman.

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Flavour text for some of the cards for the last classic expansion had them burying a sheriff from memory. “So long, sheriff” or some such after a prayer. Can try to dig it out over the weekend.