Introduce Yourself

Hi, my name is Dan.

I initially picked up DTR about a year ago, but didn’t really play that much as I ended up playing a ton of Netrunner instead.

I live just outside of Chicago and I’m interested in starting back up if anyone plays around here.


Hi, I’m Jarrett, I live near San Antonio and Austin, Texas. A Netrunner friend gave me the “gift” (maybe curse would be a better word) of Doomtown earlier this year, and I’ve played a handful of games with various net decks I’ve found on DTDB. I’d love to hear more about local events and also opportunities to play online on OCTGN.

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Greetings all,

I’m Kandagger (Sometimes “Daigotsu Kandagger” on various L5R boards), and I was one of the people who got ALL OF THE DOOMTOWN with the last of my L5R Koku.

I started playing L5R around 2006 in the midst of Lotus Edition. I started with the Ratlings (because really, what’s funnier than playing Rodents of Unusual Size in a game about Samurai?)…and almost immediately switched factions when I discovered three very important words on one card “Shadowlands Dark Lord”

So yeah, I’ve basically been in the Spider Clan since it formed, and now that the game is on hiatus I’ll need something else to do.

So…Doomtown! I’m only really familiar with the reloaded version, having played a few times against a friend and getting stomped every time by his Sloane Gang stuff–of course, since he made MY deck too, I suspect it’s not entirely my fault XP. I’ll probably end up somewhere around Morgan, 4th Ring, or Eagle Wardens.

Based out of Rockforld, IL with a small “whatever” gaming group that formed around L5R. So any Chicago types should say hi.


If you liked Spider hi-jinks, you might look closer at the Fourth Ring for there shennanigans :smiley:

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Name’s Patrick,

Long (long) time card game player (I gave away 1st Edition Charizards because that’s all I could pull in packs…).

Always loved the idea of the Weird West, but never found a playgroup to explore the Deadlands. Watched Doomtown come and go without ever playing a game. Now that I have more disposable income, I’ve gone out and picked up several lots from an auction site and have started collecting this version. Maybe I’ll get around to playing, but right now I’m still looking at the rulebook…

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I’m Bill. Been playing Savage Worlds in one form or another for the past few years. Of course Deadlands, being the flagship, caught my attention and I fell in love with the world.

I found Doomtown Reloaded about a week before AEG announce they were discontinuing the game, and I bought two cores for a steal while on a business trip. They sat in my closet for a while in disappointment, thinking the game had died. Now that Pinebox has picked it up, I’ve got a renewed interest.

Looking forward to jumping into this game and possibly playing with some of you sometime.


Welcome Bill! Where are you from? We have posses from all over the world…

San Antonio, TX

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I’m Cuthbert.
I’m a long, long time fan of westerns, especially spaghetti westerns (watched Sergio Leone movies more times than a sane person would admit). First time I visited the Weird West was in the late 90’s with the Deadlands RPG, which was coincidentally the first P&P RPG I played with some friends and a truly epic campaign that lasted a couple years.
Afterwards, by complete chance, I stumbled upon a few starter decks of the Doomtown TCG in a game store and was instantly hooked. Luckily, it was just before it was cancelled, and I got a few sweet deals from various stores that wanted to free their inventories.
(“Fun” anecdote: I didn’t really understood all the rules as English is not my native language and the rulebooks used some southern slang and idioms that went right above my head (at the time). The worst misunderstanding was the part about high noon plays. Having players “Keep going 'round and 'round the table like a square dance 'til everybody in a row decides to pass” was a bit cryptic… I believed it meant each player had one action per day and the game ended when everybody passed… we played many games that way, we had piles of ghost rock and, at most, one shootout per whole game.)
When I heard that the game was relaunched, I dove right back in. Yesterday I heard about the kickstarter and here I am again, getting a third base set XD


Welcome aboard!

Reintroducing myself, but I’m Sliptide213/ GunslingerAndy, getting back into the game after some interest has been sparked from the Deadlands Kickstarter.

I wonder how many people are here that I know from other places, especially Wildcards?


I watched both episodes of Lawless by the Wildcards crew and thoroughly recommend them. :slight_smile:

With Pinebox working closely with Pinnacle it is great to see increasingly links between Doomtown and the Deadlands setting it is part of. Even better to see it reflected in cross-pollination between the card game and RPG fan bases.

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