Jasper Stone & I'm Your Huckleberry

If at the beginning of a shootout I use Jasper Stone on an opposing character, but during resolution I use I’m Your Huckleberry to gain control of them, and then ace them do I gain the bullet and control point permanent bonus? The basic question revolves around the sentence “if that opposing dude is aced…” Is the “opposing” in this sentence a requirement, or simply clarifying what dude we are talking about?


Thanks for the question!

Your shooter would not gain the +1 permanent bullet bonus and +1 permanent CP. The reason for this, while you have control over them, they are no long an opposing dude. So the part of “If that opposing dude is aced…” clause doesn’t happen, because they aren’t an opposing dude at that point. To your question, the ‘opposing’ part is a requirement.