KublaCon - May 25-28 - Tombstone Series

Just submitted events for KublaCon, in San Francisco, CA for May 25-28

Bowing to the superior numbers (but not superior firepower) of the L5R events, I am running our Tombstone series event high noon on Sunday.

And, for attendees, there is a new variant:

Marshal Richard Carter has a bad idea.
All the normal deck building rules, except you will be usurping control of another faction’s home. You must use a home from a different faction, but for the purposes of the event it is considered the faction of your choice. Break the format and make him regret his bad idea.


That is a terrible idea.

Is this in addition to a normal event?

Like, one good idea and one bad idea?

Goofy format event Friday.

Main normal event Sunday


Already signed up for L5R, but hopefully I can at least make the Friday event!

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Hope you enjoy both events, including Carter’s wacky variant format. Part of the reason I enjoyed GenCon so much was I played a variety of games: Doomtown, new L5R and Arkham Horror LCG. Always good to see different play formats to keep things fresh. :slight_smile:

Bumping this for as many to see as possible.

KublaCon is a scant 18 days away.

Come one, come all.

Likely even some Classic Doomtown to be played, if’n You cotton to that sorta thing.


What time are these events?

Friday 7pm
Sunday high noon


Hope there was/will be a whole lot o’ bootin’ n shootin’.
Details, please.

I’m currently booted out of town at my son’s baseball tourney. I miss my Kubla Posse. :frowning: