Morgan Cattle Company Errata: Effective October 21, 2017

Noon, Boot: Boot one of your dudes to play a deed, reducing the deed’s cost by the dude’s influence. Move that dude to that deed.

Greetings cowfolk! It has come to Pine Box Entertainment’s attention that there is an interaction regarding cards in ‘There Comes A Reckoning’ that we didn’t quite catch, and for that we deeply apologize in having to implement a change to one of the base set cards. This isn’t something we do lightly Doomtown players, so allow me to explain some background to understand why we are making a slight modification to the original Morgan Cattle Company home.

The original wording of some base set cards were made prior to the cardinal rule that the requirement for the use of any card is in the first sentence. In looking at Morgan Cattle Company, and conferring with a member of the original base set Design Team, we discovered that the intent of the card was to make the dude vulnerable at the deed the dude is moving to. To violate this would go against the design intent of the card.

This brings us to two cards in ‘There Comes A Reckoning.’ Agent Provocateur can boot to meet the requirement of the Morgan Cattle Company ability. As ‘Move that dude to that deed’ is the second sentence of the card, is not a requirement, therefore the Agent could boot and stay at home to meet the requirement, as the Agent cannot move, per its card text. Furthermore, Johnny Brocklehurst could increase the Agent’s Influence, therefore allowing a player to drop a 2 cost deed for free every turn. In maximizing the player experience at organized play events, we feel this interaction may result in too negative a play experience, which brings us to the new wording of the card:

Noon, Boot: Boot your dude to play a deed, reducing that deed’s cost by that dude’s influence, and move that dude to that deed.

This brings the card in line with original design intent and resolves our concerns moving forward. This will be in effect starting when ‘There Comes A Reckoning’ is proxy legal, which is October 21, 2017 and will be updated in the errata section of the rules compendium.

I hope you all look forward to an exciting event season with the Servitor Series while we watch the votes to save our beloved denizens, or corrupt them, come to fruition :slight_smile:

David Lapp
Community Manager
Pine Box Entertainment