Mutant Cattle, Hot Lead Flyin’ & Winner

The player with the lowest rank is called the Winner, and remains the Winner until a new Winner is determined in the next Gambling phase.

Mutant Cattle
After this card is discarded as a casualty for losing a round of a shootout, the winner pulls. If they have a dude in their posse with a value lower than the pull, they must take one casualty.

Hot Lead Flyin’
React: After you take casualties for losing a round of a shootout, pull. For each dude you discarded or aced as a casualty this round with a value higher than the pull, the winner takes 1 casualty.

Are these cards meant to cause casualties to the winner, or are they meant to cause casualties to the winner of that shootout round?


The capital-W Winner is different to the lower-case winner.

Mutant Cattle, Hot Lead Flyin’, etc all work against the winner of the shootout round.

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