New player here

Was wondering if there was a way to see decks made with just expansions you have in your collection? trouble im running into is until I play more I need deck list to have decks to play. any help?


dtdb’s search allows you to choose a cut-off point for packs, but sadly doesn’t let you select packs you own.

Which gangs were interesting you, and which expansions do you have? I’m reasonably sure we can help you come up with decks!


As a jumping off point I would recommend @Harlath’s 2x Base Set series of decks, found here. They can all be built simultaneously (except for jokers, you’ll need to either proxy more in or switch the jokers into the deck/s you are currently playing). If you have the expansions up to Dirty Deeds he has a more fleshed out version for each faction. There are also versions for the core factions with 2x Base Set + There Comes a Reckoning if you have that set. They all have great write ups, definitely a good place to start if you just want some lists to get a feel for the game.

Like @forkbanger said, if you list out your expansions and what kinds of decks you are interested in the community can help you out. I personally love building decks, especially ones with restrictions like only using certain expansions, so if nothing else shoot me a message or reply here with that info and I will try to help.


Also, Harlath’s summary lists key cards found in each expansion. So look for the ‘clutch’ dudes and cards from the expansions you have. Then search DTDB decks that feature that card and then build decks from there.

Or what they said - ask us nicely and we’ll give you an earful :smiley:


I recommend Harlath’s deck lists as well as the first place I send any new player in my local play group ( typically I review one on one with them after they make the decks ) but they are great for anyone looking for A balanced experience between factions while they are Learning to play ( I have the four base factions built for all of my Learn to play events )