Over 6000 Unique DTDB Logins

Near 6500 Unique users have logged in to dtdb.com since July 1, 2017. Our community is growing!


Hooray. Great to see so many users. Big thanks to @Blargg for taking over here and getting dtdb updated with the new cards and appropriate categories for the 2017 tournament.

Plus there was good news at gencon - there are another 24 cards to come as kickstarter stretch goals to grow the expansion, so hopefully Blargg will have to update the card list further soon! :wink:


If the stretch goals aren’t met, will those cards ever be released?

Good question! The Pinebox folk will be able to provide an official answer, but I’d guess that the cards would just be released later as a separate product if the appropriate stretch goal isn’t met? The art, design and playtesting has all been done for these cards, so I doubt all that hard work would be wasted. :slight_smile: