Question on cards like "Mahogany" Jackson

“Mahogany” Jackson
(Trait) Whenever Mahogany joins a posse, discard the top two cards of your deck.

What happens if Mahogany joins a posse while you have one or zero cards on draw deck?

Arnold Stewart
Noon: Boot a Gadget on Arnold to discard the top five cards of your deck. If one of those cards was an Out of Town deed, you may boot Arnold to place the deed into your hand.

Can I use Arnold Stewart’s ability if I have 4 or less cards on draw deck? If yes, how does that play out.

Focusing Chi
If revealed for a Technique pull, you may unboot this dude, look at the top three cards of your deck, and discard any of them. Return the rest to your deck in the same order.

What happens if I have less than three cards in my draw deck?

Pigging Out/Run Rabbit Run
Shootout Technique: Discard the top 5 cards of your deck. Search your discard pile for…

Can I use either of these cards if I have less than 5 cards in my draw deck? (Question might be complicated by the fact you can have 5 cards in deck when played, but less than 5 after pull). If yes, what exactly happens?

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Great questions!

Seen and under review by RT


In each case, you’ll shuffle your discard pile to make a new deck to draw/discard/reveal from, with the caveat that any previously revealed cards will remain out until the action resolves.

Helpful example-
If you use Arnold Stewart with three cards in your deck, you’ll discard those three, shuffle all of the other cards in your discard pile into a new deck, and then discard two more cards. You’ll end the first clause of the action with five cards in your discard pile.

Bonus rules note, you can’t use Arnold Stewart, Pigging Out, etc if you have fewer cards in total between your deck and discard pile than they would discard, as you can’t satisfy their cost requirement.

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