Shootout question

Sorry, haven’t been able to play before so I’m winging this. Say I’m finishing a shootout and in my posse I have Prescott Utter, Tommy Harden, and Philip Swinford. Prescott was my shooter and my opponent played a cheatin’ hand, would Philip and Tommy’s abilities happen if they are in the posse but not the shooter?

yes they would :slight_smile:

Awesome. Glad I didn’t inadvertently cheat. Expect more n00b questions sooner or later. Thank you!

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Lay 'em down, pardner. A good rule of thumb is that, only Reacts can be used from outside a shootout, fx Ace In the Hole.
Traits, like Philip, always triggers, unless it states that you need to be in the shootout, like Tommy.

I thought Phil had to be in the shootout for his trait to trigger?

traits will still trigger i believe, unless this was changed somewhere. it’s why auto-revolver used to work fine, until they errata’d it’s text.