The Winning Agenda - Cheatin' Resolution

The Cheatin’ Resolution of Winning Agenda reads:

Cheatin’ Resolution: Choose your dude. Increase your hand rank by their influence, to a maximum bonus of 3.

Can I play The Winning Agenda as a Cheatin’ Resolution choosing my dude who is not in the shootout?
( ie, say I have Leon in a shootout and Ivor booted in another location. I want to use Ivor’s greater influence bonus to increase my hand rank by 3, rather than 2 from Leon.)

I found this in the rulebook:

Resolution abilities can also only affect dudes or their attached cards if they are in a posse, unless that ability would bring a card into a posse.

I would not think that choosing Ivor would be affecting him (and thus be an illegal choice), but I wanted to check here.

Seen and under review by the Rules Team. Please have patience during the holiday weekend.

@soulblight, you are correct! Similar to Flight of the Lepus and Coachwhip, the target for the cheatin resolution must be in the shootout.