There comes a reckoning

So less that 15 minutes and we reached the goal lol nice


All Stretch Goal cards also unlocked.


Pinebox’s CEO (Alex Wirges) commented: " Or have they. ;)" on Facebook, when people noted all the stretch goal cards had been unlocked.

Might be a few more stretch goals to be announced after the stunning wall of money?


I won’t complain.

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Well that went well

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By my count there are still five cards we haven’t seen yet; and Intercession, though already spoiled, hasn’t shown up in a Stretch Goal…


They said in the comments that more unlocked stretch goals will be added tomorrow.

I’m surprised about all this support (and really glad of it!).


The Kickstarter has been updated with improved shipping options for Asia. :slight_smile:

"China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan Update

Per backer request, shipping has been updated for Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Where we could not update the reward level the backer pays “Rest of the World” shipping prices. This is a Kickstarter issue intended to keep creators from making backers pay more in shipping after their pledge (unfortunately, it also locks in the Rest of the World shipping for that country once one backer pledges that way).

However, the updated shipping rates will be used in the pledge manager after the Kickstarter, meaning those backers paying for Rest of the World shipping will see a credit in their account which can be used for Add-Ons.

Here are the reward levels and base shipping prices for China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan:

Deputy (Physical) $13 USD
Sheriff (Trunk) $30 USD
Marshal (Trunk + Base) $53 USD
Mother Lode (both Early Bird and non–it’s discounted!) $36 USD"