Tse-Che-Nako's Weaving on Outfit

Can you attach Tse-Che-Nako’s Weaving to your home? It doesn’t say “only attach to deeds” or anything similar, so would it just not do much of anything if attached to your home?

Spirit • Totem
This deed gains the Holy Ground keyword and does not unboot during Sundown.

Noon Spirit 7, Boot: Move one of your dudes to a location adjacent to this Shaman. You may unboot this deed to give this Shaman 1 control point until they move.

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You’re free to attach Tse-Che-Nako’s Weaving to your home, which means-
-there is a Spirit at that location.
-there is a Totem at that location.
-you can use it’s Noon ability to move a dude to a location adjacent to the casting shaman.
-your home is not a deed and will not be prevented from unbooting.

-your home is not a deed and will not gain Holy Ground.
-your home is not a deed and will not unboot through the Noon action, not will it give you control points.