Zeb Whateley-Dupont Pre-release Questions

Saw this question on facebook, but no one seems to have asked it here:
“What happens if Zeb has his bullets reduced below 2 (say, by Blood Curse) before a shootout and then joins a shootout where an opposing dude has 11+ grit?”
His trait reads “…while he is opposing a dude with grit 11 or higher in a shootout, he cannot have less than 2 bullets…” so does he get boosted up to 2 bullets for the shootout? What happens after he the shootout ends (or if the 11 grit dude gets shot)?

Also for my own clarification, while in the 4th Ring Zeb is basically a 2-stud dude with bullet protection. When played off-faction he is no longer a stud, but does he still retain the “while opposing an 11+ grit dude, Zeb cannot have less than 2 bullets” part of his trait?
I read his trait as “While in 4th Ring, Zeb is a stud. While facing an 11+ grit dude, Zeb has 2 bullets and cannot be changed to a draw”, but should it be “While in 4th Ring, Zeb is a stud. While in 4th Ring AND facing an 11+ grit dude, Zeb has 2 bullets” instead?


Zeb’s entire game text is dependent on you having the fourth ring outfit. Without it, he is a 2 draw dude.

The 2 bullets mentioned in Zeb’s text is a minimum. As long as he is opposing 11 grit or higher in a shootout, when you total up his bullets, move him up to two after adding up all other modifiers (in the same way we normally modify up to zero if the stat falls below zero).


Closing as this question is answered in full.