2020 Doomtown Convention and Badge Schedule

NOTE: This thread has been updated periodically Due to COVID-19. Below is the edited schedule.

Genghis Con - 13th -16th Feb 2020: Agent Badge. Badge winner: Joe James Meredith.

GenCon - Online - August 1: US Marshall Badge (Story Prize). This prize will be awarded in an Online Round-Up occurring during GenCon Online.

Chupacabracon Online - July 17: The Texas Ranger Badge and Story Prize will be awarded via an Online Round-Up starting on this date.

Pax Unplugged - 20th -22nd November: Storyline Event is now a pending Badge Event; we are awaiting to find out if the event is occurring.

Thread will be updated periodically. We currently have the Marshal Badge (Design A Card) and Lawspeaker Badge (2020 Destination Event) to award.

There will be a Name A Card Online Round Up starting June 19. Pine Box Team is evaluating whether or not to add an additional convention to award the remaining Badge.


Clarification on which convention effects which storyline. As we move on to exploring more parts of the Weird West, fictions will involve Gomorra, Tombstone, and Deadwood in the upcoming cards and stories.

  1. Tombstone and Lucy’s revenge: this story will continue in an upcoming three-part fiction that takes place in April 1882, featuring a combination of story elements that have previously been voted on by you, the players. This fiction will be posted before GenghisCon; that event will allow players to continue this story arc.

EDIT: Parts 4-6 for this story are currently being edited and due to post in mid June.

  1. Twilight Protocol. The trilogy of events played out by the Saving Throw WildCards crew has a pending epilogue event (see Act III for reference). Players at ChupacabraCon will make decisions in relation to this event, detailing the future of the remaining Fourth Ring/Full Moon Brotherhood and Abram’s Crusaders.

EDIT: This is slated to coincide with the July 17 Texas Ranger Badge Online Event.

  1. Jonah’s Deadwood Arc: this will be introduced later this year with UK Games Expo and Copenhagen being involved in influencing this story.

EDIT: With UK Games Expo and GenCon moving Online, this will be associated with our online Marshall Badge Event starting August 1.

The GenCon Legend tie-in event is rescheduled for GenCon 2021. PAX Unplugged and any other late conventions this year will be evaluated.

Marshall Badge for the Online August 1 round-up!!!


Dear Pine Box Fans,

We live in some pretty crazy times right now. Like you we share some very real concerns about safety and health at our events. From the start, we at Pine Box Entertainment have prided ourselves on providing a player-first experience. We truly believe that putting any of our players or their loved ones at risk goes against the values that anchor and guide our company.

Given the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the forecasts provided by experts in the field of epidemiology, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our attendance at Gen Con, and any official events that will be held there. Any Pine Box staff in attendance will be there in a personal capacity, and any events for Pine Box games will be unsanctioned.

If you choose to attend GenCon and play Doomtown with your fellow community members, we strongly encourage practicing social distancing when you can, and taking precautions like face masks and regular hand washing.

Pine Box will move planned events to a digital venue, and getting a schedule for that out to you as soon as possible. We look forward to GenCon 2021, since interacting with the community in person is truly the greatest experience.

In the meantime, stay healthy - and sling some lead, gadgets, and spells.

Warm Regards,
Everyone at Pine Box Entertainment


Status of Badges/Round-Ups

Savage Lands League: currently ongoing
Name A Card Event: Starts June 19
Texas Ranger Badge Event: July 17: finals to occur weekend of ChupaCabraCon Online in August
Marshall Badge Event: Starts August 1


Update from the Online thread:

Update on Online Events (all free entry):

-The Online League is currently underway complete with prize support (Cards for participants, mats for the winner). Players can submit themed deck lists that Pine Box Entertainment will evaluate to produce character focused fiction content for.

-June 19: Online Name A Card: Players will compete for the prize to name a future Doomtown card. Promos will be sent out for participants in this round-up as well.

-July 17: Texas Ranger Badge Round-Up: Players will compete for the Ranger Badge prize. This event will also have a mat and promos from the Savage Lands Series. There will be story implications with this event that will serve as an epilogue to the Twilight Protocol Trilogy of 2019.

-August 1 :GenCon/UK Games Expo Online Marshall Badge Event: Players in this event will duel to determine our next Marshall, who will get to influence the upcoming Deadwood story involving Jonah Essex following the prologue tale written by Owen Lean that will be presented beforehand.

-Physical events we are monitoring for potential Marshal and Lawspeaker Badge Events. Copenhagen Destination Event has been cancelled.

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Looking forward to “physical” events…


You and me both, I miss the community


Thread has been edited and updated; see above.

Sign-ups will go up Friday, July 17 for the Texas Ranger Badge.

GenCon Marshal Badge signups are now live at Gencon.com

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The Ranger Badge event is underway. Follow the pairings here:

The GenCon Event starts August 1. Tickets can be purchased here:

The Marshall Badge for UK will be October 3 via this charity convention:
AlbaCon – www.albacon.co.uk

The Lawspeaker Badge will be determined at a later date, as it was for our 2020 Destination Event and there is not one this year.


Storyline Implications for Each Event: Catch up on the current story here

Agent 2020: Joe James will influence the current post Tombstone storyline of parts 1-6 in parts 7-9 written by Jason Pere

Ranger 2020: The winner will choose to ‘shoot or recruit’ an abomination or huckster coinciding with the Twilight Protocol Epilogue story for the showdown between Grothe and Adler. This follows the WildCards live events.. Story will be written by Jeff Bailey.

Marshall 2020: October 3 online event TBD. Will influence the upcoming Jonah Essex story for its Act III. Act I and Act II written by Owen Lean.

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