An area specifically designed for new players! Useful posts to help you start out and good place to ask questions if you’re new to Pine Box Entertainment games!
- Why should people use this category? What is it for?
If you goal is to target newer players, this is the best way to do it. It will help demarcate what are more basic and universal things that newer players should grasp before delving into the “Strategy” category where things can get tricky.
How is this different than the other categories we have?
This is geared towards newer players so they can be comfortable asking more basic questions than you’d expect on the normal forums and concepts covered may be redundant for more experienced players. In addition, this will hopefully give newer players a clean space to look at material specifically geared towards them. -
What should topics in this category generally contain?
Anything geared towards newer players: Buyer’s guides, Introduction strategy articles, important websites to check out, story primers!