From the rules:
For example, Arnold McCadish is worded “React, Pull, Boot: When a dude is discarded (not
aced) as a casualty in a shootout, if the pull is higher than the dude’s value, send that dude home
booted instead.” Once a player successfully uses Arnold to prevent a dude from being discarded,
no further Reacts can be used in response to that dude being discarded. Instead, Reacts could be
used in response to the dude being sent home booted.
Taking You With Me:
React: After you take casualties for losing a round of a shootout, your opponent takes 1 casualty unless each dude in their posse has higher bullets than the highest bullets among your casualties.
Can I play Taking You With Me after using Arnold’s ability?
Is “taking a casualty” and “discarding a dude as a casuality” the same event (which would be entirely replaced by Arnold’s react)? Or taking the casualty then resolving it are two separate events (so Arnold would only replace the second part, thus leaving the react window open for TYWM)?
Thank you