BGW Premium Sale

Just wanted to let you guys know that there’s a pretty solid sale on a large chunk of the Premium sets that BGW got in. Some other folks might want to jump on that.

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dunno what shipping is, but given retail of 2 base sets is $40 and discounted bases sets are 25 each or 50 for a pair, that’s a great deal.

Hi Will! Welcome to the west. When you gonna slap leather with us?

That, ser, is a great question. Guess I’m going to have to build up some decks now, huh?


I think i just sinned…

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You sinned?

nabbed one. thanks will.

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Yeah - I just spend part of my savings on premium kits…

Sigh. :smiley:

Oh! Price jumped up today.

yeah back to retail of $120 but if you want one, still better than ePrey pricing.