Can Johnny Declare you Legally Insane?

Johnny Brocklehurst
React: After you declare a play, give a dude +1 or -1 influence for the duration of that play.

Forced Quarantine
Noon Job, Boot: Mark an opposing dude whose current influence, bullets, or value are lower than their printed values. If successful, boot the mark, attach this card to them, and your leader gets one permanent control point.

Does FQ check influence before or after JB reacts?


One play you can make is to use a Noon ability on an action card in your play hand or printed on one of your cards in play (like a deed, dude, goods, or spell). To do so, declare the ability, pay any costs, meet any requirements if necessary, and resolve its effects.

So, you decide to play Forced Quarantine, declaring the ability-
Noon Job,

You can then React: After you declare a play, give a dude +1 or -1 influence for the duration of that play.

Before continuing to pay your costs
,Boot: Mark an opposing dude whose current influence, bullets, or value are lower than their printed values.

Thanks to your lawyer powers, you have a target and a legal posse, so the job proceeds as normal.


Between the commas!

Johnny has just been deputized a 4th Ring dude…
