Core deeds - speculation

Classic eventually got an outfit-specific goods card for each outfit.

The point is that when you create something like that, you make a coaster for 5/6 of all possible decks (8/9 in the Classic game). And when you only get 21 or so new cards every six weeks, I imagine players don’t want to waste any potential cards.

We all know that certain cards favor more heavily certain outfits and decks more than others. The Core deeds approach takes the same approach that you get with Outfit dudes … ANYONE can use them in any deck, but certain outfits can make more and better use of them than others.

Nothing is wrong with having cards that favor certain outfits. Something is definitely wrong with having cards that outright exclude certain outfits.

FYI - I fully understand that spells and gadgets are something of an exception to this rule. However, with the presence of drifters with skills, even these cards aren’t TOTALLY exclusive. If someone REALLY wanted to put them into ANY deck and be able to play them, they could.


I think there already is a lot more faction specific cards than there were in classic - instruments and all the cards that have ‘deputy’ as key word.

However these arent exclusive and though they do give an advantage to their own faction they can be used by all. I think this is a very elegant way of doing it which retains the usefulness for other outfits while making sure that some outfits gain more than others.

I dont know about classic… the only i know is that “core” is, for me, one of the more expected ability on cards… I love that mechanic, it reduces a bit the random in the “starting” game and add a lot of depth in deck building… I like it very much and i want some more “core” cards, deeds or goods…