Critique of how Hot Lead Flyin' and Paralysis Mark errata handled

I am currently running x4 HLF in a Morgan Stables deck that starts 4 low-cost dudes whose values exceed the entire deck.

As HLF is now basically a TYWM sans bullet restriction, the idea is to use deeds and movement shenanigans to isolate key opposing dudes, then, as needed, send the aforementioned high-value starters on suicide missions. Bonus points if they actually win the shootout.

Question: Does La Quema’s value increase help with the HLF pull?

The game has no card memory, a card in a discard has no modifiers at all.

Oh drat.

Oh that makes sense… so it only works with Legendary Holster and Faithful Hound :confused:

Or Technique pulls. With the filtering on the first pull, you can also set up the pull for the combo, even if you’re doing it with a low-value dude like Xiaodan Li.

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Yeah it’s amazing for Techniques and makes Xiaodan’s 1 GR cost even more worth it. Worst case scenario with Focusing Chi: Draw a new card.

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