Regulators helps with the movement game- you can pressure a deed, then Regulate back to town square to support somewhere else. You can commit dudes to a job, then Regulate back out afterwards to hit them again. It’s great for positioning, and it’s influence cap can make turtle decks come out and plaaaaaay-ayyyy.
Other thoughts-
Law Dogs Bounty Hunters allow you to hit any wanted dude, anywhere, and use of Point Blank can guarantee casualties- unless your opponent wants to use his cards and actions dealing with a token you don’t care about. Thunder Boy is a huge boost, Father Tolarius is useful, Hattie is bonkers.
Morgan Regulators is an amazingly good home, Calling the Cavalry is very silly. Robot and meaty horsies are both good, with Yagn’s offering protection for your shooters and Pinto/Roan/Mustang giving more movement and shootout power.
Sloane Good but dull? You put all your eggs in an Allie Hensman shaped basket, and hope nobody brings a Shotgun. Protection Racket lacks the ability to get away from deeds, so your dudes end up stuck in deeds, booted, Desolation Row can lead to a turn one murderfest which can go very badly wrong for you. Sloane have a problem with Full Moon Brotherhood, too- their lack of influence on starting dudes mean they really want Jake Smiley, but FMB can turn Jake’s trait off.
Fourth Ring Both Fourth Ring and Full Moon Brotherhood are very good outfits, hexes remain great. They have some poor matchups (Law Dog Bounty Hunters booping their hucksters, Regulators ignoring their send home and being too big (with Yagn’s) to Soul Blast and having too much influence to Blood Curse and some good matchups (Sloane Gang).
108 Righteous Bandits The bones of over six million people are interred in the Paris catacombs, and the 108 Righteous Bandits own more bones than that. One great outfit, one okay outfit, dudes with ridiculously good abilities and costs, great influence and shooters, a discard pile that acts as a hand for shootout actions, amazing movement. 108 Wordly Desires was stifling the other homes because it gave more money and won lowball and made you better at shooting so you didn’t need to do much with your actual deck.
Eagle Wardens Do you like Spirit Fortress and not really interacting? Because that’s what the Wardens do. They can do other things, but they are worse than Spirit Fortress, so why? It’s a shame, because they have interesting dudes and effects and themes, but they are strictly worse than Spirit Fortress. Adjusting Totems to one per name per deed gives everything else room to breathe, I guess, but that might not be a change Pinebox is willing to make. Maybe more attire-based dudes and actions? I’m down for Fanfare for a Well-Dressed Man being Here Comes the Cavalry for attire.