As we await a time where we can all join together again to flip coardboard, the Pine Box team is working on adding new content to our DriveThru Cards offerings.. This includes a new ‘Best of Action Pack’ and the ability to make your own custom Doomtown cards!
So we ask you,the community, what cards would you like to see offered?
We have not forgotten that we also owe the World Champion Deck piloted by Max Way, with an updated ‘booster’ pack for cards to swap in as we move to a new Series of custom decks.
Run Em Down
Pinned Down
Shan Fan
Ol’ Fashion Hanigin’
I would say Hustled, but I bought 3 of that pack, back when I wanted a Rico in every deck.
What will the legality of Custom Doomtown cards for Organized Play be?
In the best of Actions pack definitely -
Sun In Yer Eyes
Faster on the Draw
Pre-constructed generic “Meta” decks would be cool. Decks that are fairly easy to play but a step up from the intro decks, maybe 1 or 2 per faction. Decks like -
LD JiE 2x16/SF Aggro (Thunder boy, Hattie, etc)
Outlaws Des Row 3x16 Aggro
Morgan Horses
Anarchist Slide
I’m not sure what the Fear Mongers or First Peoples decks could be though.
Let’s say I want to play the new starting dude Tomas Ramirez,
but, seeing as this dude is based upon a real person, say I wanted to not only restore the apostrophe in his name (above the “a” in Tomas), but also repurpose the card with an actual picture of him, for example,
1.B Roundup Categories In addition to sorting by Official and Social roundups, there are also four categories some roundups will fall into. Most of these will be Official, but some will be Social, as noted below.
Organized Play Seasons: There are two “seasons” of roundups held per year, and each will have a distinct theme and prize pool. Roundups in these seasons are typically run by select Tournament Organizers at local gaming stores around the world.
Conventions: Various gaming conventions are attended in an official capacity by Pine Box Entertainment throughout each year. For these conventions, special roundups will be held, most of which will be Official, but can also include special format Social roundups.
Badges: These are roundups where top players can earn titles that come along with a physical badge representing that title. These badges will sometimes have an impact on other roundups, such as a convention roundup where players can “call out the Marshal.”
Destination Events: These are the rarest category, usually held no more than once a year, where Pine Box will select a town or city for folks to meet up for a series of roundups, typically including both Official and Social roundups. These will usually be multiday affairs, with community outings planned by Pine Box while people stay in town.
The cards will be legal for Category 1) and Social roundups for all other categories only. We will update the Floor Rules to reflect this.
Posted on Discord, but reposted here for completeness. I’ll make a little “*” if there’s a way to get duplicates of that card already.
Best Actions:
Sun in Yer Eyes*
Fleet Footed
Calling the Cavalry
Hex Slingin’
Faster on the Draw*
Takin’ Ya With Me
Nightmare at Noon
To update everyone, the Demo Decks are live and assets are being transferred to get the Card Creator live soon with the Action Pack coming after. Should be live by mid-late September.
I wouldn’t mind copies of some of the better actions from the base set to make up for the fact that I only ever got a single base game. Despite that I preordered a deluxe set when it was announced. and it never arrived…
still kinda bitter about that…
anyway, I would love more copies of sun, stakes, kidnappin, etc