I’m trying to build up a decent huckster deck using the Sloane outfit. I don’t want an overly uber-powerful one as I am only playing with friends, and I’m going more for the strategy than straight hand values. Can people please check out my deck at the DTDb (Bojangles' Hucksters · DoomtownDB) and let me know what you think? I have more details about its intentions in that link, and what sets I have at my disposal. I am also thinking of exchanging Rick Henderson for someone else (especially since I don’t have soul blast anymore), maybe Papa Marias or Kevin Wainwright, although they will cost more due to being fear mongers.
Think you have a fun deck at your hand. I’d definitely try and raise some of the low values, so you’ll easier make the pulls for fx Blood Curse. Seems tricks like lowering your opponents influence might be your win condition rather the shooting (depending on your playgroups decks). Both Baiju Jars, shiny things and Caretaker should go for sure. You could add stuff like This is a Hold Up or similar cards if you enjoy the shenanigans.
About dudes, Larry from 2T2D is great on J. Curtain Rises and NTB has the great Outlaw Huckster on value 9, but you could add Dave “slim” from BLood Moon on 7. Would be worth it off value I think.
Thanks a lot for that! Yeah, I think my biggest weakness at the moment is a lack of really high influence or control values, or a way to lower the opponents’. Part of the reason I have the baiju jars is because Grimoires and More will be my starting deed, through Ol’ Howard, so the Baiju are meant as a way to get access to more hexes - both in my hand and in discard.
The Outlaw hucksters you’re referring to are Antheia and Emilia, yes? I have Emilia in my collection, not sure about Antheia. I’ll have to look into them! Dave Slim definitely sounds useful though. I think I should get rid of the ivory statues too - I kept them mostly for when I played soul blast and festering grasp, but both of those cards I ended up getting rid of.
Starting influence seems to be your biggest problem. You really need to swatch one of them, probably makio, for a 2 influence dude probably Ike clanton from TTTD
Thanks for that. I didn’t take Ike because I figure bullets probably wouldn’t be my strongest point, although they are higher than my influence I think. Hmmm… that’d be tricky. I could substitute him with Theo, although I’d only have one starting huckster then. I really need Makaio out, as he’s part of the Ginnee/Maria/Makaio trio, giving Maria big bounty points and huckster skill.
If you’re not too attached to the Ol’ Howard/Grimoires idea, you could switch Howard and Theo for Travis Moone and Dave ‘Slim’. That’d help with your influence problem, give you a starting stud, and provide another fix for when you find no hexes in your starting hand.
You’d be down a starting GR, and -1 income, but 2 and 2 is still not too bad a start along with Den of Thieves’ money-making ability. Also, seconding Benni’s suggestion of Larry ‘Sevens’ Swift on J value. You could also throw in some copies of Forget on that value too.
Hmmm… that does open up some big possibilities. I saw Ol’ Howard as being crucial to my strategy, but so far having Grimoires and More always in play hasn’t proven to be as useful as I had hoped… Travis Moone, being a grifter, could also take the place of Gina for the bounty generation. He’d probably die before her, but it’s mostly in the early turns that I need the bounty generation - just to get Maria beefed up a bit. Plus, having the ability to basically call a mulligan is quite handy. Again, Theo’s joker power sounds useful, but I’ve rarely actually had an opportunity to use it, so perhaps Slim is more useful, especially when I’m up against one of my regular opponents’ James Ghetty/Flamethrower/Force Field combos, turning everyone into a draw would help even out the odds… Larry also does sound quite useful for robbing the opponent of weapons.
Thanks a lot for that. Definitely a lot of sage advice!