Disgenuine Currency Press & Unprepared

Disgenuine Currency Press
Goods • Cost 2
Gadget • Difficulty 5
After this Gadget is successfully invented, gain 5 ghost rock and unboot the Mad Scientist that invented it.

After this Gadget is discarded from play, its owner draws a card.

Action • Cost 0
Shootout: Choose a dude. Boot that dude and their attached cards. That dude gets –1 bullets and cannot use their abilities. Their attached cards lose all traits, abilities, and bullet bonuses.

If a dude carying a Digenuine Currency Press is Unprepared and leaves play during the shootout do you draw the cards.

Essentially, its a matter of timing. The trait is blanked while in play, but it looks to me like the DCP activates trait after it’s left play? But then is there card memory after the DCP is discarded with blanked trait and then doesn’t know it was attached?

Seen and under discussion.

Great question!

RT would like to keep this ruling to follow in line with cards like Takin Ya With Me and the Justice in Exile /Hellstromme against Harrowed.

At the point the Currency Press enters discard, card memory is gone and effects go away.

Then per the text on Press, you will draw a card, as Unprepared no longer applies to the card now that it is out of play.