Doomtown Official Multiplayer Document

A new document for multiplayer rules is now available:


Great stuff, but I’m missing the version where you win by having Points = #players -1 and you score those points by beating any player in Sundown after normal conditions. This is by far my favorite multiplayer format. Only downside is that you often need rules for tiebreaker.


I don’t know if that format was submitted to us or not, but we will be looking for updates for the next version.

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It’s also my favourite multiplayer format. I’m surprised it wasn’t included, there has been discussion of it on here, Discord and Facebook in the past.


Reposting from here (Hello, please test these multiplayer rules - #37 by jordan_caldwell):

Victory Point (One-Eyed Jacks)
Victory Point is a medium-length format, a compromise between Elimination and Total Control.

In a Victory Point game, a player wins by earning a number of “victory points” equal to their number of opponents (ex. 2 victory points for a 3-player game). Earning a victory point is accomplished in the same manner as eliminating an opponent (using the Elimination rules), but instead of their opponent being eliminated, the player gains a permanent victory point instead. Victory points roll-over and accumulate as the game progresses. If two or more players meet this win condition at Sundown, before resolving tie-breakers normally, the player who has accumulated the most victory points wins.


Another multiplayer variant I’ve seen discussed is tweaking the Lowball rules in order to distribute the pot in a less winner-takes-all fashion?


I actually like Winner Takes All lowball because then it’s You vs Everybody!

Meaning, I feel the “political” structure of multiplayer “solves” this “problem” inherently.
