Doomtown Online: Marshall Badge 2021-2022

Sign ups end January 16 and round 1 begins January 17, linked here

Deck Lists are due by the end of Sunday, January 16.

*Matches will be timed at 75 minutes by default for all Doomtown Online Round-Ups and will be updated in the next edition of the Floor Rules

If the 2 players agree, they can forego a time limit due to the digital nature of the event, as you are not constrained by a venue. NOTE: You may pause your time if a Rules inquiry is needed and can be done so by asking questions in the #dt-rules channel on the Doomtown Discord.

If a game reaches the end of the time limit, please take a screenshot as we are collecting data for tiebreaker rules.

*Players will have 1 week to complete their match up. Pairings will be posted on Lotus Pavilion and linked here and on Discord each week.

*Players must use the deck list submitted in the Google form for all their matches and changes will not be permitted from week to week. We encourage everyone to publish their decklist after the event for the benefit of the community. All submitted lists will be linked on the Doomtown Forums.

*If 2 players cannot find a time that meets their schedule, we’ll do our best to work with them. If we have to delay the next round a little, that’s probably ok as long as there is some hope for a match in a reasonable time, but we’ll take it as it comes.

However, if one player either does not respond at all, or consistently has zero availability, they will be marked as a loss.

*If both players do not respond or report in for the whole week they will be dropped from the event.

*All games are to be played using Doomtown Online (

*If a game crashes and the game state cannot be recreated, the match will be replayed. Please report this immediately on the #development channel on Discord.

*This event will last for 5 Rounds of swiss (5 weeks) and a cut to Top 8. Players will get to vote on the Fate of Al Swearengen while the winner will help determine Digital ‘swag’ released on Doomtown Online. The winner will also receive the 2021 Marshall Badge.

*This Online event is Free to play in, as you are continuing to help us in feedback for development of Doomtown Online.

*You can report your match by tagging user ‘Lapp’ in the Doomtown Discord. We encourage players to report their match in a narrative format as a fun way to share the outcome of the game.

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Please note Decimator Array is banned for this event. You may run See-Through Spectacles in its place.

This event will otherwise allow cards from the following expansions:
-Doomtown Weird West Edition
-There Comes A Reckoning
-Too Tough to Die
-Out for Blood
-Hell’s Comin’ With Me
-Welcome to Deadwood

There will be an upcoming casual league format utilizing only Weird West Edition.

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After discussions with playtest, the tiebreaker rules will not be changed for this event. We are collecting data to use for a potential change to the current floor rules.

Pairings for Round 1 are up!

deputy_greg 108 Gracious Gifts
Khudzlin 108 Gracious Gifts
Doomdog 108 Gracious Gifts w/Ezekiah Grimme
Jrbookman Bayou Vermilion Railroad
Antaiseito Black Hills Guardians
Ledgerman Deadwood Miner’s Alliance
shekky_ducky Deadwood Miner’s Alliance
Sixkillz Deadwood Miner’s Alliance
trimm#8444 Deadwood Miner’s Alliance
dylandotcom Deadwood Miner’s Alliance
hehasmoments Deadwood Miner’s Alliance
Andrew Davidson#9136 Deadwood Miner’s Alliance
Prodigy Deadwood Miner’s Alliance w/Lacy O’Malley
IndigoRielle Encroaching Darkness
none Encroaching Darkness
Razrez_Batonov#1321 Encroaching Darkness
Yolda#7189 Encroaching Darkness
zenarchist Encroaching Darkness w/Hank Ketchum
LastWalter Fort 51 w/Darius Hellstromme
Sauronsbeagle House of Many Faiths w/Ezekiah Grimme
thehuffdabeast House of Many Faiths w/Ezekiah Grimme
Deputy’ Way (Redgar#0376) Law Dogs
GDIAinsley Law Dogs
Rogue Dakotan Law Dogs
RS Doom Morgan Regulators
Yzorderex#0086 Morgan Regulators
Agent006 Serpentine Syndicate
Roullette Serpentine Syndicate
TybarSunsong(he/him)#1625 Smith & Robard’s Trade Show
danvan#4519 The Spiritual Society
Entrican The Spiritual Society
Drew.christensen Encroaching Darkness

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Full list updated and Round 2 up!

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The final round of swiss is up!

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I’m going to stick this link here ready for the end of swiss decklist post.

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Top 8 is live!
All 6 Factions represented, 8 different Outfits!

Top 8
1 @Deputy Greg Melnyk , 108 Gracious Gifts
2 @TybarSunsong (He/Him), Smith & Robard’s Trade Show
3 @Agent006 , Serpentine Syndicate
4 @GDIAinsley (they/she) , Law Dogs
5 @trimm, Deadwood Miner’s Alliance
6 @Entrican, The Spiritual Society
7 @TheHuffDaBeast (he/him-Seattle), House of Many Faiths w/Ezekiah Grimme
8 @IndigoRielle, Encroaching Darkness


Congratulations to Matthew Winters, victor of the Doomtown Online Marshall Badge Weird West Edition Round-Up! The winning deck list for the First Peoples and write-up is here pardners!

All other lists will be posted this weekend!


Video of finals posting to YouTube:

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