Starting this thread for our friends across the pond to keep us updated on all things happening this weekend in Edinburgh!
We’ll be in the Crosstown Eatery, just off Lothian Road.
We’ll have a tricycle event from 1pm-5pm, where you can try Out For Blood in a more sedate format, do food and drink and so on, and then people are free to do social things in the evening.
We’ll make sure and dish out old promos to make sure everyone has everything.
We’ll be in the Victoria Park Hotel on Ferry Road, with a HIGH NOON start. Regular constructed format, O4B legal, all that jazz.
One linked above already and we’ll doubtless get more over the next few days - everyone is under instruction to share these for the benefit of the broader community! Those who were there please share your decks no matter where you placed - it really helps design, playtest and your fellow players. Indeed, knowing what isn’t quite working (or is frustrating/challenging to face) can be at least as helpful as knowing what is working well.
Speaking of which, aiming to post my decklist and a brief report soon. Delayed slightly by unkind timing - monthly and quarterly report writing time…
Congratulations to our new Marshal, and good showing to all! Looks like a wonderful combination of stiff competition and a lot of fun (thanks for the pictures)! Very jealous of all who made it out.