EU Marshal event

After talks with AEG and other involved parties we are pleased to announce that Europe will get it’s very own Marshal event in 2016!

Taking place at the UK Games Expo in Birmingham 3rd-5th June, we are hoping as many Gunslingers as possible will saddle up and join us. The finer details are being thrashed out and ticket sales/tournament times are still to be announced, but we thought it was best to let people know as soon as possible so they can make plans now.

We appreciate you may have many questions at this stage however we will be making further announcements as and when they happen once the Expo staff give us the final details.


Great news or greatest news?

Thanks for making an effort to let everyone know as early as possible. Makes travel/time off work much easier, appreciate lots of details to be settled before you can announce more, but the early notice makes a difference.

Well done to everyone involved in making this happen. :smiley:


Denmark will be bringing a posse.

Rest assured, gadgets will be present.

So, are you gonna skin that plasma drill - or whistle dixie all day?

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