Experience a Dude

Like the title says.

Who do you want to see experienced?

Kind of interested in Valeria Batten, Rev. Perry. Tallulah Morgan, Maria Kingsford, and Angela Payne m’self.

I’m all in for more harrowed dudes in the game, so an Exp of any Aced character is fine for me. Lawrence as a harrowed law dog or Phillip as a Harrowed Sloeaner can be a nice twist. Or a mayoral candidate returning from the grave demanding a new election.

All this harrowed stuff remind me of something, why incineration is not common or mandatory like in L5R if there’s the chance of returning from the grave?

Talulah Morgan!!!


All this harrowed stuff remind me of something, why incineration is not common or mandatory like in L5R if there’s the chance of returning from the grave?

From a Deadlands RPG perspective, the dead getting up and start walkin’ again isn’t a common occurrence, it’s not even well known that it could happen (The Agency & Texas Rangers try to keep supernatural stuff under wraps). Gomorra is a lot weirder than your typical small town (it makes the game more interesting) so we get a skewed view of the world of Deadlands from this game.

On topic, I also think it’d be cool to see one of the mayoral candidates return harrowed. Lula Morgan, Jonah Essex, Rafi Hamid and Richard Slavin are dudes I’d like to see get an experienced version.


I would like to see experienced versions of Tommy Harden or Rafi Hamid.

Tommmy and Rafi are already good dudes and you can see in a lot of decks… I think we need experienced for the dudes normally you cant see or is difficult to play because of his abilities…

Right now Sloane and Fourth Ring are down an experienced dude, and all of the experienced dudes are dudes from the base set. From the Sloane Gang, I expect to see Jonah Essex get an experienced version since he seems to be up to no good in a different way from the rest of the Sloaners. From the Fourth Ring, I can’t think of a better option than Mongwau The Mighty. I’m not sure how it fits with the theme of Deadlands and the upcoming factions, but could he also be one of the native american spell users in addition to a huckster?

I don’t think that could work - hexes are powered by manitou (demons), and shamans call upon the nature spirits for aid. The two spirit types are opposed and seek to destroy each other, so I don’t think they’d give their power to one who dealt with their enemy.

You might, say, get a shaman corrupted by Manitou, but they’d then be getting their power from Manitou rather than the nature spirits. Deadlands has the Ravenites, who are a bunch of shamans who work with Manitou who have a different arcane skill to shamans.

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Yeah I’m pretty certain the joke with Mongwau is that the ‘yokels’ think his magic is Shamanism when he’s really casting hexes.

Androcles should be Experienced, of course. And I want Lawyering to become a skill like Mad Scientist, haha. We could have a new card type like Hexes or Miracles, but make them cards like “Murder Defense” or “Tax Advice.”

(Okay, never mind. That sounds boring.)


I had a couple ideas, firstly:

4 Travis Moone (Exp 1)

0 Draw
1 Influence
Law Dogs

Blessed 1
React, Boot: At the start of the game, if you have no Miracles in hand, you may discard your hand and draw 5 cards.

“No, wait! I’ve really got it this time!”

Cost: 5 Upkeep:0

I also had an idea for a Phil that was killed by the Sloanes and came back. The flavour text is a reference to Pair of Six-Shooters and him only having one hand for this idea:

A Philip Swinford (Exp 2)

1 Draw
1 Influence

Cannot attach Weapons.
Cheatin’ Resolution, Boot: If at least one Dude in the opposing posse is Wanted, one card in your draw hand changes to the suit and value of your choice.

“I may only have one left, but it’s enough.”

Cost:4 Upkeep:1

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Here’s a few in light of the recent storyline for Morgan; I’ll think up a few for each faction when I’ve got time and a computer.

Arvid Mardh
Morgan Cattle Company
6 Spades
3 Stud
1 Influence
Cost: 8
Upkeep: 1

Experienced 1, Harrowed

Arvid’s bullets and influence can only be altered by Melee Weapons. While he has a Melee Weapon attached, Arvid has +4 value.

Shootout, Boot: Boot a Melee Weapon attached to Arvid to boot another dude. They have a blank text box until the end of the shootout.

“Dead?! Nonsense, Mr. Patterson, he’s always smelled like that. You know damn well what a slaughterhouse smells like, now stop wasting my time.” - Lillian Morgan

Prof. Eustace True
Morgan Cattle Company
8 Spades
1 Draw
3 Influence
Cost 7
Upkeep 2

Experienced 1, Mad Scientist: 1

React: When Eustace fails a Skill Check, if the check was Red, the check instead succeeds. Increase Eustace’s bounty by 1.

“We’re all worried about the man. His research methods are becoming increasingly questionable, and only Ms. Morgan and Mr. Pasteur can talk to him without having him fly into a rage anymore.” - Harold Aimslee

Irving Patterson
Sloan Gang
2 Spades
1 Draw
2 Influence
Cost: 2
Upkeep: 1

Experienced 1

Noon Job, Boot: Mark a Ranch deed. If successful, discard the mark and gain Ghost Rock equal to it’s production.

“Thank God Ulysses came to me when he did. Bein’ an outlaw’s a damn sight safer than wranglin’ the new Morgan beeves.”


Idea for an experienced Mongwau
Mongwau the Mighty
The 4th Ring
6 of spades
2 stud
1 Influence
Cost 7
Upkeep 1
Experienced 1, Huckster 2

Shootout: Discard a hex from Mongwau to choose a blessed or shaman in the opposing posse. Boot that dude all attached spells. That dude gets -1 bullet and -2 value.

“Did you really believe you could stand against me?”

Also, Lucy really needs to get the deputy keyword
Lucinda “Lucy” Clover
2 of spades
1 draw
2 influence
Cost 5
Upkeep 1
Experienced 1, Deputy

If your opponent in Lucy’s shootout reveals a cheatin’ hand, raise the bounty on each dude in their posse by 1.
Noon: Boot a wanted dude at this or an adjacent location.

“They ain’t gettin’ away this time Dave!”

Took me a while to get the BBCode sorted out, but I got there.

Prescott Utter
Law Dogs
4 Spades
? Stud
? Influence
Cost: 7
Upkeep: 2
Experienced 1

Prescott’s Influence is equal to the number of Law Dogs at his location, and his bullet rating is equal to the number of skilled dudes and abominations at his location. While Prescott is at a Saloon you control, his upkeep is reduced by 1.

'Zoe and Abe play make-believe all they want. As long as I’m seeing problems, I’m still dealing with ‘em the old fashioned way.’

Clyde Owens
Law Dogs
Q Spades
3 Stud
2 Influence
Cost: 8
Upkeep 3
Deputy - Experienced 1

Clyde can not be targeted by Techniques. While he is at a Saloon you control, his upkeep is 1.

Noon: Clyde calls out a dude at this location. If a player has revealed an illegal hand this turn and you have not, the callout can not be refused.

Rafi Hamid
Law Dogs
8 Spades
2 Draw
3 Influence
Cost: 5
Upkeep: 2
Deputy - Experienced 1 - Union

Noon Boot: Rafi calls out a dude at this location. If the dude has a Mystical goods attached, the callout can not be refused.

'Why yes, I have heard of ‘Misterios del Gusano!’ Coincidentally, I’m placing you under arrest.’