Follow up: Jade King Stance & Harrowed & a casualty

Continuing the discussion from Jade King Stance & Harrowed & a casualty:

Follow up question: So you cannot move your harrowed dude home booted to cover a casualty, unless they are at home. If you are outside the home, can you still assign them 1 casualty to discard them (say you really don’t want to lose the other dude in the shootout)? And in the same vein, say I really want my harrowed aced, can I opt to assign them 2 casualties (instead of 3) to ace them like a normal dude? Are either of these valid options?

Seen and under review.

The Harrowed trait is not optional and the rulebook compendium will be updated for clarity. Neither option is valid due to the following under Take Yer Lumps:

Each player must try to “fairly cover” casualties as exactly as possible, e.g. you must discard one dude if you have only one casualty (i.e. you cannot ace a dude for one casualty), and you must ace all your dudes if your casualty number is twice or more the number of dudes you have in the posse.

When a dude with the Harrowed keyword is involved in a shootout, that dude can absorb more casualties than a normal dude. You can send a Harrowed dude home booted to cover one of the casualties you take in a shootout. Discarding a Harrowed dude covers two casualties, and acing a Harrowed dude covers three casualties. If a Harrowed dude in play gets aced by a card effect (but not through being aced to cover casualties in a shootout), discard that dude instead of acing them.

The Take Yer Lumps rule must be followed when dealing with the Harrowed trait.