Servitor Event breakdown:
-9 Hellstromme
-3 Raven
-8 Stone
-13 Grimme
More to follow
Servitor Event breakdown:
-9 Hellstromme
-3 Raven
-8 Stone
-13 Grimme
More to follow
Grimme and Hellstromme being the most played, and Raven the least played are what I was expecting. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some decklists.
Top 8 underway!
Christopher Pottorf (Gateway to Beyond w/Grimme) v. Charles Penn (Morgan Stables w/Hellstromme)
Stefan Bridges (Sanitorium w/Grimme) v. Laura Scott (Sloane Gang w/Stone)
James Meredith (Fourth Ring w/Grimme) v. Max Way (Arsenal w/Grimme)
Dan Agnew (Arsenal w/Hellstromme) v. Richard Carter (Sanitorium w/Grimme)
Robert Campbell was top of swiss with Morgan Regulators w/Hellstromme and graciously declined to participate in Top 8 as he was a member of play test team for the Servitors to pass his seed to Charles.
Will Wright was top Raven with Eagle Wardens
Prodigy wins with 4th Ring Grimme, chooses Doc Holliday to be a Legend in a future release!!!
Cheers! I’ll post my list when I’m back in Edinburgh. It owes a significant debt to you.
Great day, really well attended and played in a fine spirit. For example, Richard Carter made an effort to remind his opponent of Hellstromme’a drawback in the decisive shoutout, much to his own disadvantage in a T8 match. Games keenly contested but played in a considerate and fun manner.
Many congratulations to @Pr0digy for an excellent performance and a fine story choice. Well deserved!
Really glad there was a diverse choice of outfit/legend pairings. I hope we get to see what decks people brought out for Raven and Stone. I also wonder if there were any Grimme v Grimme games with similar spell choices, been wondering how 2 people fighting over Shadow Walk would shake out in a tourney.
Also a wonderful choice in Doc Holliday, I was really hoping to see a historical figure chosen as a Legend. I wonder if design will play around Doc being a Hexslinger in Deadlands Reloaded (as of Stone and a Hard Place).
I will post my top Raven Deck ( the fancy hat deck ) when I get back to portland thanks for the games everyone.
The Fancy Hat deck Top Reaven gen con Evil is a Choice · DoomtownDB So here is my Fancy hat deck ( top raven )
I can confirm that as we now must maintain canon with the Deadlands role-playing game universe , Holliday is a Huckster and as such this will be reflected in the theme of this Legend.
Appropriate for the deck I played, then!