GenCon Servitor Event Results

Servitor Event breakdown:
-9 Hellstromme
-3 Raven
-8 Stone
-13 Grimme

More to follow


Grimme and Hellstromme being the most played, and Raven the least played are what I was expecting. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some decklists.


Top 8 underway!

Christopher Pottorf (Gateway to Beyond w/Grimme) v. Charles Penn (Morgan Stables w/Hellstromme)

Stefan Bridges (Sanitorium w/Grimme) v. Laura Scott (Sloane Gang w/Stone)

James Meredith (Fourth Ring w/Grimme) v. Max Way (Arsenal w/Grimme)

Dan Agnew (Arsenal w/Hellstromme) v. Richard Carter (Sanitorium w/Grimme)

Robert Campbell was top of swiss with Morgan Regulators w/Hellstromme and graciously declined to participate in Top 8 as he was a member of play test team for the Servitors to pass his seed to Charles.

Will Wright was top Raven with Eagle Wardens


Good work @Harlath


Prodigy wins with 4th Ring Grimme, chooses Doc Holliday to be a Legend in a future release!!!


Cheers! I’ll post my list when I’m back in Edinburgh. It owes a significant debt to you.

Great day, really well attended and played in a fine spirit. For example, Richard Carter made an effort to remind his opponent of Hellstromme’a drawback in the decisive shoutout, much to his own disadvantage in a T8 match. Games keenly contested but played in a considerate and fun manner.

Many congratulations to @Pr0digy for an excellent performance and a fine story choice. Well deserved! :slight_smile:


Really glad there was a diverse choice of outfit/legend pairings. I hope we get to see what decks people brought out for Raven and Stone. I also wonder if there were any Grimme v Grimme games with similar spell choices, been wondering how 2 people fighting over Shadow Walk would shake out in a tourney.

Also a wonderful choice in Doc Holliday, I was really hoping to see a historical figure chosen as a Legend. I wonder if design will play around Doc being a Hexslinger in Deadlands Reloaded (as of Stone and a Hard Place).


I will post my top Raven Deck ( the fancy hat deck ) when I get back to portland thanks for the games everyone.


The Fancy Hat deck Top Reaven gen con Evil is a Choice · DoomtownDB So here is my Fancy hat deck ( top raven )

I can confirm that as we now must maintain canon with the Deadlands role-playing game universe , Holliday is a Huckster and as such this will be reflected in the theme of this Legend.


Appropriate for the deck I played, then!